Chapter Seven

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     Friday had finally came, but Talinda was nervous. She had never went to a prison before. She had rented a car, and left her wand inside of it. She knew if they found her wand, she'd be locked up for trying to bring in a foreign object to an inmate. Talinda was worried about someone from the wizarding world seeing her and potentially putting her in some type of trouble or danger, especially since she left her wand.

    Walking inside of the building, she waited until she was able to sign the guest sheets. Once she signed in, she waited for everyone to finally be let into the visiting area, before she slowly made her way in as well. As soon as she walked inside, she spotted her sister sitting at a table wearing a pair of teal pants and a white top. Sighing, she walked over and sat down across from her sister.

"Hey, Tally, I didn't expect to see you so dressed up," Franky joked, causing Talinda to chuckle.

"I had to dress like a muggle," Talinda murmured, hoping no one heard her,"I had a hard time finding an outfit, since I didn't want anyone here judging me," She added, as her sister simply rolled her eyes.

"Tally, don't worry about what people think about you. Besides, nobody inside will say anything. Top dog comes with its benefits, ya know," Franky commented, and Talinda nodded.

"Speaking of top dog, who was before you? How did you get the spot?" She asked, and Franky smirked.

"Jacs Holt was top dog before me, and it only took a little persuasion to get my spot," Franky answered, as Talinda pursed her lips.

"Franky, you're going to end up hurt," Talinda replied, but Franky simply shrugged.

"I know what I'm doing," Franky said, as a smirk slowly made it's way to her face,"Speaking of which, what's going on with you? Who was that kid I heard a few days ago?" She asked, causing her sister to smile.

"His name is Harry. I met him the day you called and told me you had been locked up actually. I didn't really get to talk to him much, but Tuesday I met him again at the park. I was running the track, and he, his father, and his uncle were there. I played with Harry until it started to rain, then I brought the three of them for ice cream, then I brought them for dinner after our call," Talinda said, and Franky smiled.

"So, which one do you fancy? Is it the father? The uncle? What's their names? Talinda, I need details!" Franky asked excitedly, causing me to laugh.

"Well, his father's name is James, and his uncle's name is Sirius. Harry's mother is dead, sadly, and she's been dead for like a year or two. James is shy, but Sirius is a real flirt. I have a feeling Sirius is trying to set James and I up with the way he talks and acts, but I don't know. I don't want to get into a relationship, especially one with a guy who was widowed when his wife died. I don't think I could handle it. I also don't think he is very trusting of the idea of Harry being around anyone else besides him and his friends anymore," Talinda said, but all Franky did was laugh excitedly.

"Tally, you have to make a move if you like him. Think about it! You and James could be together, and he already has a son, so you wouldn't have to pop out your own for a while. C'mon Tally, you need to finally have a boyfriend. You need to finally be happy!" Franky complained, and Talinda simply smiled at her older sister.

"Franky, I don't even know if I like him like that. Besides, I'd have to move at his pace, which might be really slow. I don't know if I could handle a relationship where we'd have to wait a year just to hold hands and feel comfortable with each other enough to sit next to each other at a restaurant," Talinda stressed, but all Franky did was smirk.

"I doubt he's like that. Tally, I'm not going to force you into a relationship with James, but when you both inevitably get together, I want to be maid of honor at your wedding and godmother of your next child," Franky commented, as Talinda playfully rolled her eyes.

"Alright, whatever you say. If that happens, not only will hell freeze over, you'll get out after only serving a few years of your time," Talinda retorted, and Franky grinned.

"Well, at least I know I'm getting out early now if you're betting all that," Franky retorted, and Talinda laughed.

      Soon time was coming to an end, which caused both sister to frown. Talinda hated leaving Franky. She absolutely adored her older sister, but she knew her sister needed to finally realize what she did was wrong. Talinda wished she could just pay some money and get her sister out, but there wasn't a way for that to happen. She could say that she was happy to be heading home the next day though, since she missed her place back in the wizarding world.

"I'll be here to visit the very next time that I can. It may not be every time, but I'll be here often to see you. I really miss you, Franky, and I hope you act right and get out early," Talinda said, and Franky smiled.

"Oh, come off it, Tally. You know I can't do that. Besides, I'll be out soon enough, then we can get pissed together and have fun, if you're not a mum by then of course," Franky commented, and Talinda smiled.

"I love you, Franky, and I'll see you again soon," Talinda replied, as she hugged Franky tightly.

"I love you, too, Tally. I'll miss you, darling," Franky murmured, kissing her sister's cheek.

     Leaving the room, Talinda sighed shakily and wiped away the single tear that escaped from her eye. She hoped to see her sister soon, but she could never be sure when the next time would be...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I wasn't sure if I was going to make the whole chapter revolve around Franky and Talinda, but I decided you guys needed to see how they act with each other and how they may act later on with others.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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