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"Ji~" a soft voice called out shaking my shoulder slightly.

"No," I muttered and turned my back to whoever was trying to wake me up, making a small laugh sound out in the room.

"Come on... I brought us lunch, you've been sleeping all morning," the voice spoke and I immediately opened my eyes as I realized where I was, "well... that made you awake..."

I immediately sat up in the bed and looked over at Jungwon with wide eyes as he just let out a small giggle and pointed to my hair.

"I slept all morning?" I questioned him in shock.

"Well... unless you've been up while I was in my classes," Jungwon shrugged and turned to grab the tray on his desk before placing it in my lap on top of his duvet, "which I doubt with how tired you were... and how messy your hair is."

"Yah..." I complained in a mutter as I flattened my hair down.

"It looks cute," he assured in a soft tone before looking down at the food, "now... you can take the chicken and I'll take the pork... I know how much you like Jake hyung's chicken."

"Thank you," I muttered as Jungwon handed me my chopsticks and we began eating together.

"Dad told me today," Jungwon spoke up and I glanced at him, "Taehee will apparently be arriving on Monday."

I had nearly choked on my chicken as I stared at Jungwon with wide eyes, he simply just glanced up at me before nodding.

"Yeah... I know..." he sighed with his small nod, simply poking the pork meat in front of him.

"I'm busy, I'm really busy," I realized making Jungwon look to me as I had nearly scrambled to get up on my feet.

"You're not moving from the spot," he warned making me widen my eyes at him, "I checked the princess suite earlier... I don't think you should do more to it, Taehee doesn't deserve that.

"I-" I started but he just sternly looked at me making me immediately shut up and look back down at the food again, "I'm just scared if she complains about it."

"What's the worst that could happen?" Jungwon let out a small laugh and I slowly glanced up at him making realization hit him, "oh yeah... I forgot," he muttered before smiling over at me, "but you know what? If she's dissatisfied with your work I'll just excuse it with you having helped me a lot at the same time because I was oh so nervous about meeting her, that I needed for you to help me with loads of things, and that's why you didn't have much time to work on the princess suite."

I smiled softly up at Jungwon before just nodding and quietly continuing to eat my chicken. However the nice silence wasn't enjoyed for long before a knock was on the door to the room and my head immediately perked up.

"Who is it?" Jungwon called out after having swallowed the food that was in his mouth.

"Your highness I'm searching for miss Lim," a maid's voice called out and I quickly got up from my seat.

"It's Lin, I need to help her with the Queen's dress," I excused as I gathered my cutlery on my plate, "thank you for letting me eat with you."

"When will you be back?" Jungwon questioned as he softly grabbed my wrist and looked up at me with big eyes.

"I'll bring up your bedtime tea as per usual," I softly assured him and disappointment immediately washed over his face before I softly smiled and ran my hand through his hair, "remember to get to your classes on time."

"Okay..." he muttered and I walked over to the door and opened it to see Lin, another one of the new maids here. She started about two weeks before I did and had been assigned the job as the seamstress for the Queen.

"Oh thank god you were here," Lin breathed out at me as I just smiled at her and she quickly bowed to Jungwon, who simply waved her off in a polite way, "I need help with the embroidery on the bodice."

"Oh it's fine," I assured her with a soft smile as I closed the door behind me and followed after her down the hallway and taking the staircase down towards the sewing room, where Lin had gotten her own station.

Already there was a mannequin standing beside her station, a pretty sky blue dress draped over it, clearly missing some details here and there.

"This is wonderful Lin," I murmured and touched the soft fabric as Lin proudly smiled at me.

"You think so?" she immediately turned from proud to worried, "I'm afraid this won't be fancy enough for the Queen. She always wears those marvelous dresses and this one is so simple."

"It is simple but it's very elegant," I nodded at her, "it'll definitely get attention Lin... it's so different from usual. You might get well known as the next big royal seamstress."

"Just like grandma Jung," she whispered in realization that she could end up being as well loved as her grandma were for her blazers for the King, "you really think so?" she immediately turned to me with a happy look on her face.

"It runs in your blood, doesn't it?" I questioned with a wide smile as I sat down in one of the chairs by her station, "now... what am I gonna embroider and with what thread?"

"I was thinking silver thread," Lin admitted and I just nodded at her before she slipped a drawing across the table, "and a pattern like this would be wonderful."

"Of course," I hummed and looked at the drawing in front of me as Lin got the bodice off the mannequin for me to embroider, "this is really pretty Lin."

"Eish stop complimenting my work so much," she grinned widely as she waved it off and I grinned widely at her, "you're gonna make me so flustered."

"Well... what if that is my intention?" I questioned in amusement and she just rolled her eyes at me before handing me the silver thread.

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