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I quietly sat on the bed and watched as doctor Lee calmly walked around the room. He looked no older than me, yet he seemed too smart to only be a few years older than me. 

He had explained to me that apparently I had passed out for some reason, he used shock as an excuse but I don't really remember anything shocking that would've caused me to pass out.

"Ehm... may I go?" I questioned as he just sat and read through some book.

"Nope," doctor Lee simply smiled in return with bright white teeth.

"But-" I started and he just calmly closed his book and simply looked at me, enough for me to just shut up immediately.

"Jungwon asked for me to not let you go before he picked you up," he calmly spoke and I just closed my mouth again. Ain't no way I can say anything against a prince's words.

I let out a small huff as I leaned back against the wall behind me and just glanced around the room in search for anything that would entertain me for however long it was needed. Doctor Lee simply looked back down at his book again as he began flipping through the pages.

"What are you reading?" I carefully questioned, afraid that I would end up interrupting his train of thoughts.

"Jungwon's Foreign Language homework," he calmly replied and I frowned. The whole time he had only adressed Jungwon by his name, it was a bit weird but nice for a change, "you haven't wondered why his marks are so good but his speaking ability is near to zero?"

"That little cheat," I commented with a small laugh as he just nodded in agreement while letting out a small laugh.

"He's been getting me to do his homework for as long as I can remember," he remarked.

"How do you know him?" I questioned and he glanced at me before letting out a small smile.

"I'm his cousin," he calmly replied and I frowned at him, "my dad is the King's brother. The King decided that he should be alone about the throne and removed my dad from the heir order. He became a commoner and now I work as a doctor at the castle to stay close to my cousin."

"I'm sorry," I mumbled and looked down before I heard a small laugh from him.

"Hey... at least he didn't overwork my dad and punish me with a public beating," he remarked and I just nodded at him, "sorry..."

"No it's fine," I assured him, "it's not like I'm trying to keep it a secret."

He hummed before looking back down at the book in his lap, once in a while turning to write down some notes in a notebook.

"Heeseung hyung-" the door swung open and doctor Lee immediately looked up before I turned my head and looked at Jungwon, who already stood starring at me, "oh thank god you're alive."

"Of course I am alive," I let out a small laugh.

"How are you feeling? You hurting?" he questioned as he closed the door behind him and rushing over to stand in front of me.

"Sore," I corrected as he quickly inspected my arms and legs, which were covered in dark blue and purple marks.

"Okay so... I've had a meeting with my father," he spoke before he looked up at me and I just stayed quiet as I watched him, "apparently your original sentence was two public beatings, but I've gotten it down to just the one," he stated, "what business classes don't do..." he muttered as I just snickered at him, "but I didn't manage to turn his mind away from Taehee... so he's given me another chance."

"Chance to fall in love with a horrid girl?" doctor Lee remarked and Jungwon immediately turned around and nodded at him before quickly turning back to me.

"But!" he quickly exclaimed before I got to say anything, "he said the next engagement party will be held as a ball in October. I have to dance the waltz again and if I dance it with you I'll be removed from the line or heirs."

"You're not doing that," I quickly spoke and he just snickered at me.

"According to the royal law the only way I can be removed from the line of heirs is if I decide to leave myself, which as you said I can't do because my sister is married to some prince in China, and Heeseung hyung is not in the heir line anymore. The other way is that he would have to kill me... which he's not gonna do, because as I said... I'm the last heir. No matter what he decides to choose he loses and I win."

"That is unless you fall in love with princess Taehee," I reminded and he let out a small laugh.

"Didn't you hear Heeseung hyung? She's a horrid girl," Jungwon remarked, "a miracle has to happen if I end up choosing her over you."

"Does this mean I can go do my work now?" I questioned him and he let out a sigh as he pursed his lips.

"Technically your sentence requires for you to go back to the dungeons, but I don't think it'll hurt if I take you to my room, so you can rest for a bit," he stated and helped me down from the high bed I was sitting on.

"But I don't need more rest," I shook my head and he calmly grabbed both my wrists before holding my arms up in front of me.

He simply raised both eyebrows at me as if asking me if I was sure I didn't need rest. Meanwhile his face were framed in by my bruised arms, he held up in front of me.

"That's right missy, you're going down to rest in my room instead," he remarked, "now are you coming of your own free will, or do I have to carry you?"

"I can still walk," I murmured as he dropped my arms again and placed his hand on the lower of my back before guiding me over towards the door.

"Thank you hyung," Jungwon softly spoke as he opened the door.

"Just not the horrid girl," doctor Lee remarked before Jungwon pushed me out of the door and closed it behind him.

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