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I could hear muffled voices outside the room as Heeseung had dragged Jungwon out to talk to him before going to bed. We were leaving to go back home tomorrow morning, so we would only spend one more night in Busan.

I quietly brushed my hair through before eventually braiding it up and throwing it back over my shoulder, letting it hang over my back.

"Hey," Jungwon cooed out as he stepped back into the room, closing the door quietly behind him. Once I looked over at him he sent me quite an awkward smile.

"You good?" I questioned and he immediately nodded at me, "what'd he want?" I questioned and pointed to the door behind him.

"I think we need to talk," he softly spoke, walking over and grabbing both my hands to pull me over to sit down on the bed. Immediately my face dropped and he quickly noticed, "it's not bad, don't worry."

"Okay..." I slowly trailed off with a small nod.

"So I want you to travel to China with me in a week," he stated and I slowly nodded, "and I want to do that because... I don't think you remember what you said in the car on our way here, but you indicated that someone else, besides doctor Lee, had given you pills, which is not supposed to be the case. So the suspicion is... because you're obviously happy and healthy now," he remarked and gestured to me, "hyung thinks you're being poisoned or drugged by someone in the castle."

"But it's still just either Jake or Jay that's making my meals," I frowned at him and Jungwon quietly nodded at me.

"But they're not necessarily the ones serving it," he softly reminded, "it matches up so well, because in the mornings you seemed just fine until you had eaten your breakfast, then throughout the day you would slowly get better until you got your meals... you ate just before we got in the car to drive to Busan. I suspect someone is poisoning you, and so does doctor Lee, but he also thinks someone might be drugging you."

I stayed quiet as Jungwon just sat quietly beside me, not saying a word. I knew I had to be the next one to say something, and not him.

"I think I wanna sleep now," I whispered as my brows furrowed and I nodded to myself, "yeah... sleep sounds good."

"We're not sure, but right now that is what makes sense to us," he excused to me, "I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment but this is actually good news. It means you aren't necessarily sick with something that we can't diagnose, but you were instead poisoned by someone and that's somewhat easier to get straight again."

"I just wanna sleep Jungwon," I whispered to which he quietly nodded in assurance, standing up from the bed.

I quietly pulled my feet up under the duvet and turned my back to where Jungwon was standing as I pulled the duvet up under my chin. 

For a few minutes I heard Jungwon shuffling around the room before eventually sitting down on the bed across from me, hesitantly laying down and brushing his hair out of his face. 

"Ji," he softly called out and laid down, facing his body towards me, pressing his forehead against mine, "you know I love you and you know the last thing I would let happen is for anything to harm you," he quietly reminded and softly let a few of his fingers caress my cheek.

"I know," I murmured quietly, "I just don't like the idea of anyone wishing harm upon me."

"I get that," he whispered before closing his eyes, "and I know this is because of me. Because the only reason they have to target you is because of your position, and you have that position because you're married to me... and I know whoever it is that's doing this you is not the only one and I hate that it happened because my main goal was to make sure such things didn't happen."

I stayed quiet as Jungwon let out a deep sigh, eventually opening his eyes again to look at me. It was clear this whole situation had him in distress. Pursing my lips I reached my arms over and wrapped them around him, pulling him into my embrace.

Once he wrapped his arms around me I could really feel how much this situation was affecting him. He was scared, furious, and completely distressed at the situation. He immediately burried his face in my shoulder as he tangled his legs in mine, assuring to hold me close.

"It's alright Won," I whispered softly as I ran my hand through his hair.

"I just don't want to lose you," he excused, "I feel like I always lose you somehow..."

"What do you mean?" I whispered quietly, and he simply shrugged in my arms.

"I have dreams," he whispered and I hummed at him, "it's like they're other lives... there's one where we're normal school students. There's one where we make music together. Another one I'm the only one making music and your parents doesn't like me. The scariest one is in a world with zombies... there's more, but each one... I always lose you somehow."

"How?" I whispered and he sucked in a deep breath.

"I die, you die, we fight, you get sick, I get sick... I just want us to grow old and grey together, but we never do that in those dreams. Something always hinders it," he whispered and I pressed my lips tightly together as I hugged him tighter.

"Then let's make a deal that we're gonna make the real story the good one," I whispered and he hummed quietly in confusion, "this is the real story, this is the one where we grow old and grey together."

"Promise me that."

"I promise."

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