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I stretched my arms up above my head, desperately wishing to go back to sleep as I watched Jungwon accept the tray with breakfast Jake had handed him. Quietly closing the door once again Jungwon placed the tray on his desk before rushing back and laying down beside me once more.

"Just five more minutes," he murmured, mostly to himself as far as I could understand, meanwhile he just carefully wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

"Make it ten," I whispered and he let out a small laugh.

"Dammit, I thought you were still asleep," he admitted to which I hummed and moved my head to squint my eyes to look at him, "did I wake you up?"

"The moment you left the bed," I hummed with a small nod.

"Sorry," he excused and brushed my hair out of my face, "how are you feeling today?"

"Hmm... worried," I excused and pushed myself up on my elbow, resting my head in my hands as I looked down at him. A frown slowly growing on his face as he looked up at me, as if he didn't understand why I was worried, "because today you're letting yourself get crowned as King and... that's a big step for you. I worry you'll get overwhelmed by it... and especially when you have to decide what should happen to your parents."

"They've agreed to flee from the country," he sighed and rubbed his face in his hands, "apparently we own a castle somewhere in Russia, they'll reside in."

"I think you didn't listen. I'm worried for you, not for them," I reminded him and he let out a small laugh before letting his hands rest on my waist, grabbing onto it before pulling me down to lay on top of him.

"I think you're forgetting that I have chosen an amazing future Queen," he reminded and I just hummed with a small shrug.

"Now... I think... you need to get up from this bed and get ready, enjoy your last few hours as a prince, before you take on a whole lot of responsibility," I softly reminded him to which he nodded, "you're still young so just... I'm gonna need you to promise me you won't hide anything from me from now on."

"Alright," he whispered with a small nod.

"Pinky promise," I urged and held up my pinky in between both of us.

With a small laugh Jungwon let go of my waist with one of his hands, linking it with mine before pulling my pinky towards him, giving it a small peck as he kept looking up at me.

"At this rate I'll overheat before you're even crowned," I complained and dropped my head into the crook of his neck while he let out a small chuckle, one hand immediately going up to play with my hair.

"Didn't you just tell me to get up?" Jungwon let out a small laugh as I let out a small groan, rolling off of him and onto the empty space beside him instead, "hey hey, no, I didn't say I want to."

"How are you gonna rule a country when you can't even get out of bed?" I retorted as I sat up and looked down at him with raised eyebrows, awaiting my answer.

"Because I was trained to do one of those things," he reminded and stretched his arms up above his head.

"Oh come on, you're not a dog you shouldn't be trained to get out of bed in the morning," I complained and swung my legs over the edge of his bed before an idea hit me.

Turning around I looked down at Jungwon, who just laid and tried to pull himself together enough to wake up. I let out a small laugh before quickly planting my foot in his side, kicking him off the bed as he let out a small squeal.

"What was that for?" he exclaimed as his head popped up over the edge of his bead and I just let out a small laugh as I rushed onto my feet, assuring that he couldn't push me off the bed as well, "and the fact that I'm gonna make you a Queen is just even worse," he rolled his eyes before getting up from the floor, sending me a small smile.

"Mhm, if you say so," I hummed at him, walking over to grab onto my maid dress, which I had hung over his desk chair.

"Hey, hey, hey, you don't need that anymore, that is no touchy," he warned and quickly pulled the dress away before I got to grab onto it, "no more handmaid Lim. Only Crown-Princess Jiyeon."

"I'm not Crown-Princess," I reminded him.

"Yet," he remarked, "you'll be after I get crowned today and our engagement is publisized properly."

"Oh yeah..." I murmured and sat down on the edge of his bed again, making him quickly brush my hair over my shoulder.

"Hey... what's wrong?" he questioned softly.

"I don't... I don't really mind that we speak of how we're gonna get married... but when... when you say that we're engaged I just... it seems like a lot," I shrugged before glancing up at him, "you know what I mean?"

"Yeah," he softly whispered as he sat down beside me, dropping my maid dress on the ground in front of him, "we're too young," he stated and I just nodded at him, "but you know what?"

"I don't even know if I want to hear it," I admitted with a small smile, only earning a small chuckle from him.

"I don't think that it's ever too early to marry as long as you're sure that it's the right one," Jungwon admitted as he placed his chin on my shoulder, poking my cheek softly with his nose, "and I know for sure that you're the right one," he whispered before pecking my cheek and grabbing my hand tightly in his, "so the question is just if you know that I'm the right one for you."

"I couldn't dream of anyone else but you," I shook my head as a wide smile grew on my face, "how many times haven't I risked my life for you?"

"Way too many," he shook his head in disbelief, "and I feel terrible for that..." he whispered quietly before sucking in a deep breath, straightening up and smiling at me, "so now I think we assured that even though the word engagement seems overwhelming, it's really not that bad or big of a deal as long as we know we're the right ones for one another. Alright?"

"You're gonna be a king today," I commented and looked down at his hand, which was holding mine, before I softly began tracing circles on the back of it, "your life keeps moving forward so fast... but I just... I feel like I'm kind of stuck as a maid, I'm not really keeping up, am I?"

"You are," he assured, "because I'm bringing you with me, every step of the way."

"Okay..." I nodded with a small whisper sending him a small smile.

"After my crowning today let's plan when the wedding will be, okay?" he questioned and I just nodded at him, "is that alright with you?"

"It's a lot," I admitted and scratched the side of my nose, "I didn't... I didn't think I'd be married this young."

"But I'm the right one," he cheekily reminded me and I simply nodded at him.

"You are," I assured him, "you really are," I nodded once more.

"Eyyy, don't cry on me," he commented and nudged me with his elbow, "save it for when you become Queen, alright?"

Sighing I let out a small laugh as I leaned my head down onto his shoulder, holding tightly onto his hand in both of mine. Never before had I felt as content and calm as I did in that moment.

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