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I quietly walked up the stairs with a tray in hand, two cups, a small box and a teapot with hot water. All on the suggestion of miss bratty bitch Taehee. Sorry.

I carefully balaned the tray on one arm as I reached the door to Jungwon's room and quietly knocked on the door a total of two times. Soon enough I heard a 'come in' get yelled out by Taehee.

I sucked in a deep breath before opening the door and softly kicking it closed behind me as I walked in and placed the tray on the desk in the room.

"Ugh, what took you so long you lazy maid?" Taehee complained and I just pursed my lips as I placed a cup in front of her and poured up hot water before presenting the teabox for her, letting her choose her tea flavor herself.

"I'm sorry," I whispered quietly as I walked over and handed a cup to Jungwon, who simply glanced up at me as if he was asking if he should say something in return, I simply shook my head.

"I think we should have jasmine tea for the engagement party, don't you think Wonie?" Taehee spoke up and Jungwon just hummed as he picked the lemon flavored tea from the box I held out towards him.

"I think strawberry or rose tea would be better," he pointed out and glanced up at me with a small smile, which I simply returned. His favorite tea was always lemon.

"Really? But it's such a tacky flavor," Taehee pointed out as I walked back to the tray and placed down the tearbox.

"I think rose or strawberry tea would fit the theme the most," Jungwon insisted as I lifted the tray once more, "oh, miss Lim could I have you look at the blazer I left on that chair?" he spoke and pointed over to a small lump, "I think it might've ripped in the armpit."

"Of course your Highness," I hummed with a small nod and walked over and grabbed onto the blazer. 

I quickly examined the blazer in both armpits as Taehee continued to sit and ramble on about something with the engagement party. However, I didn't find one hole anywhere in the blazer, much to my confusion. I glanced up at Jungwon in confusion, who just gave me a pleading look.

So he didn't want me to leave him alone with Taehee.

I quietly nodded before sitting down on the small stool in the corner of the room and began pretending I was examining a hole in the blazer, how stupid I felt. I think Jungwon saw it too, by the way he let out a small giggle.

"You think my plans are funny?" Taehee whipped around in her chair and Jungwon immediately shook his head, "I'm serious when I say I want seven kids," she insisted and turned back to sip on her tea.

'Seven?' I mouthed to Jungwon in shock, as he just shrugged, looking equally as confused and shocked as I felt.

I quietly looked back down at the blazer, continously pretending to be looking over a hole that surely wasn't there.

Time passed by slowly with my fake occupation as Taehee kept rambling on and on about how many dresses she wanted as a queen and how big and amazing they had to be. Whenever I looked up Jungwon would just give me a look that almost screamed for me to murder him then and there.

To our relief there soon was an eager knock on the door, that knocked a total of six times, two reps of three within very few seconds of each other.

"Yes?" Jungwon called out and the door immediately opened to Lin bowing down quickly as her eyes was fixed on the ground.

"Your Highness, may I ask about miss Lim's location?" Lin spoke as she feverishly fumbled with her dress.

"Right here," Jungwon spoke and Lin's breath seemed to hitch in her throat.

"May I speak with her?" she slowly questioned and Jungwon just hummed in approval as he gave me a weird look, to which I shrugged, "miss Lim," Lin spoke and I turned my head to make eye contact with her.

"Do you need my help with the Queen's dress?" I softly questioned and Lin immediately shook her head, "what is happening miss Jung?"

"I- uhm... I..." Lin stumbled over her words, resulting in Taehee sighing heavily and turning around to look at Jungwon.

"What kind of illiterate staff is it there is at this castle?" Taehee questioned Jungwon harshly, to which I simply glared at her, "make her speak, it's taking too much time."

"Miss Jung it would be appreciated if you could tell miss Lim what she needs to be told," Jungwon slowly spoke in a careful manner as he kept his eyes on the nervous seamstress in front of him.

"We got a code 6349," Lin whispered and my eyes slowly widened at her, "code 6349... in the Queen's quarters."

"Is my mother alright?" Jungwon spoke up as I went quiet.

"The Queen is alright," Lin quietly nodded before she glanced up at me, "miss Lim..."

"May I ask for permission to go?" I questioned Jungwon, turning my head slightly, but not looking at him.

"My mother is fine, right?" Jungwon repeated to Lin who just nodded.

"I'm afraid the code applies to-" Lin's breath hitched as she looked over at me and I quietly nodded.

"You may go miss Lim," Jungwon immediately spoke and I quietly nodded before getting up from the stool, and laying the blazer on it.

I quickly rushed over to Lin, who immediately wrapped an arm around my shoulders and walked me out on the hallway, quietly closing the door before pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, "I'm so sorry... I really am Jiyeon."

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