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It was dark out as I stood on Jungwon's balcony, looking down to the front gardens as Jungwon watched his dad and mom get into a vehicle, ready to be driven to some place in Russia.

I watched as the former King got into the car, looking up at me with an evil look. For once I felt a small bit of spite as I casually raised my hand to wave him off.

Down in front of the front doors Jungwon stood, watching as the car started and slowly drove off and down through the gates, which soon were closed once again. As Jungwon turned around to walk back into the castle he glanced up at me with a small smile before entering the castle.

I didn't budge from my place on the balcony, deciding to just take in the fresh night air even though it was a biting cold that met my face with each small wind.

"You're gonna get sick out here," Jungwon's voice spoke as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my face.

"How are you feeling?" I questioned, turning my head to look at his, that now rested on my shoulder, "seeing your parents go like that?"

"I think I'm gonna miss my mom," he admitted with a small shrug, "my father, not so much... I'll invite mom to the wedding. My dad can sit in Siberia and rot."

A small laugh escaped my lips as Jungwon did the same before turning me around to look at him. His hands quickly found place on my waist as he looked down at me.

"May I help you, your majesty?" I questioned in amusement as he let out a small laugh at me.

"Maybe a kiss would be satisfactory," he excused with raised eyebrows. I smiled softly before going up on my toes and pecking his lips softly, pulling back to have him rest his forehead against mine.

"There's a journalist hiding in some bush who is enjoying their job right now," I remarked earning a small laugh from Jungwon, "and freezing their ass of."

"I was thinking..." Jungwon trailed off, earning a small hum from me, "I wanted to get married in early September."

"You can wait that long?" I teased as I raised both my eyebrows.

"I'm gonna have to, you're not 18 before August," he reminded and I let out a small laugh, "I'll need your dad's signature for me to marry you before then."

"What are you gonna do about them?" I questioned as realization hit me, only getting a funny look in return, "the outstationed?"

"I have to pull them back fast as possible," his eyes widened as a shiver ran down over me, "let's get you inside first though."

He quickly removed his hands from my waist and walked with me inside, quickly closing the door out to the balcony behind me as he rushed to find a sweater for me.

"I have a meeting with the congress members tomorrow," he hurriedly spoke, "I have to present them all the things I want to do, and I'll make sure the first one that is fulfilled is to pull all troops back home again. If your dad is home before Spring and he's willing to sign to the fact that you'll get married at 17, then we might be able to marry in the summer."

"Jungwon... I don't care when we marry," I reminded him, closing my eyes tightly as he pulled his sweater down over my head, "what I care about is that you won't leave me."

"You have very low standards or me... you know?" he questioned and I let out a small laugh as I sat down on his bed, laying down as I sprawled my arms out above my head, "and you know what?"

"That I have very low standards for you?" I questioned as he walked over and stood above me, only getting a shake of the head as a reply from him.

"Sometimes," he started as a small smile spread on his face, "I think I love you too much," he excused and I gave him a funny look, "I have caught myself getting teary eyed when I look at you from a distance, when you just do daily tasks or talk with anyone else that isn't me. I think I adore you too much."

I let out a small giggle to which he softly whacked my shoulder as he rolled his eyes. Clearly not satisfied with my reply only being a giggle.

"I was trying to be sweet and honest, but you just giggle at me," he remarked and I just hummed with a small smile, "don't you adore me either?"

"I am too in love with you to just adore you," I shook my head at him, "there's not one thing I adore about you, I love every single thing. No matter if you're having a bad or a good day, everything about you is what I love, and I don't adore it in any way. I only love it."

"Great, now I'm gonna cry," Jungwon complained as he flopped down beside me and burried his face in my shoulder.

"Why?" I let out a small laugh as my shoulder slowly felt damp through my sweater.

"I never thought... I never thought that I'd be worthy of that kind of love," he whispered, "let alone from someone that I really wanted it from... all I ever was gonna be was a King in a miserable marriage."

"But Jungwon you're so much more than a King," I reminded him and pulled him a bit away from my shoulder, watching how his eyes was glazed over and slightly pink from the few tears that already had fallen, "don't you see? You're so much more than just a King!"

"What am I then?" he whispered quietly.

"You're a King, you know that. You're probably the worst son, but the best ruler at the same time. You're self-less," I stated and he immediately gave me a funny look, "some times. My God Jungwon you're so many things that I can't even list them here for you right now. But you know what is the most important of those things, to me?"

"Your boyfriend?" he whispered and I shook my head, the corners of his lips pointing slightly down as I did so.

"You're the love of my life and I wouldn't want it to be anyone else, no matter how much shit and hurtful things you've dragged me through. You'll always be the love," I quietly reminded him, only resulting in him squeezing his eyes tightly together as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer while digging his face into my shoulder again.

It was first now that everything had resolved itself that Jungwon finally buckled under to everything he had been subject to ever since I turned 17. All the heartbreak, the pressure, the danger. Everything was tumbling over him all at once and he was finally letting it out as I held him tightly in my embrace, letting him cry out every single thing that was pulling down on him.

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