Im Serious, Spaghetti!

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*a few hours later*

"What're we going to do?"

Richie and Eddie are laying in the hammock at the clubhouse. Everyone else has left. Eddie is laying on top of Richie, who has his arms around him.

"I don't know. I guess we'll just have to do it without Stan this time." Richie shrugs.

"But what if it doesn't work?"

"Mike said it should. We're just going to have to have hope. Or we'll find a different way to kill him."

"Yeah, I guess...."

And then they are quiet. Not knowing what else to say. They both are simply thinking, thinking of other ways they could even defeat him if the ritual doesn't work. What other option is there? What if they can't even defeat it this time?

No. No negative thoughts.

But that is hard to do in this situation for them, and for the other losers. Because they know how everything went down last time, and knew it was probably going to be worse this time around. None of them are ready.

Eddie stares at the wall, resting his head back of Richie's shoulder. He hums a little, a soft little tune he just made up. Richie plays with Eddie's hair, now thinking of his boyfriend. He worries that he'll get hurt. He wouldn't let that happen as long as he is around- but what if they get separated? What if he can't do anything about it, and he does get hurt?

That's when another conclusion went off in his head.

"He's going to use our relationship against us." He tells Eddie, looking down at him. Eddie moves his head to look up at him, his eyebrows pulled together a little.

"I hadn't thought of that..." he says. "But you're right. He will."

"He did it the first time too. Well, not exactly- but he knew I liked you, and used it against me."

"He did it to me too." Eddie nods. "In Neibolt. When I broke my arm."

"It'll be worse this time." Richie sighs. "Now that we're actually together, he'll do everything to separate us or some shit."

"... should we tell the others, Rich? I mean, he's definitely going to do this, and they'll probably figure out we're dating. Do we want them to possibly find out that way?"

Richie thought for a moment. Did he? If they didn't tell, was it going to mean they would find out from Pennywise from whatever he'll do? Richie spoke after a few minutes.

"I think we'll just leave it be... I mean, they might find out while we're in battle. But then again,  they might not connect the dots. I mean, they haven't for two years now, those dumbasses."

Eddie smiles a little. And then it fades.

"What if they don't find out? When are we going to tell them? we've already kept it from them for 2 years now..."

"I don't know..."

"Rich, you know they'll be fine with it. They were fine when Bill and Stan came out."

"I know, I know. I just.... Don't want to seem strange I guess. Or they think of me differently." Eddie kisses his cheek.

"Babe, they aren't going to. They didn't with Bill or Stan. Even if we're gay, it doesn't mean you or I are any different from the person they know we are. Sexuality doesn't change who you are as a person." Richie smiles softly. He nods.

"You're right... let's get through this last battle, and then we'll tell everyone. Sound good?"

"Sounds good." Eddie agrees, pressing his lips to Richie's. Richie smiles, kissing back. But then he gasps and pulls away.

"Wait, when are we going to tell your mom? She's going to be so mad at me for cheating on her!"

"Oh my god, I swear, you always ruin it every fucking time we cuddle." Eddie shakes his head.

"I'm serious, Spaghetti. She's going to be pissed at me, knowing what I'm doing to her. She's been getting suspicious because I haven't shown her a good time in a while, imagine how furious she's going to be when she finds out it's because I'm with you!" Richie jokes.

"Okay, fuck you Richie! You never know when to stop! And quit calling me those stupid nicknames!"

"You want to fuck me? Well, not that I'm complaining or anything, but Mrs.K DEFINITELY can't know I'm dating AND getting fucked by her son-" Eddie presses his lips to Richie's again.

"God, Will you just shut the fuck up for once?" Richie laughs.

The rest of the evening is filled with more of Richie's jokes, Eddie telling him to stop, and laughter. They better enjoy it while it lasts, because there won't be much more of it.

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