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"Ben! Ben!!" Eddie continues to scream. He quit as Ben stops crying out, and he looks up at Bill who has stopped messing with the knob.

Behind them, a loud bang fills the room. All four of them jump out of their skin, quick to turn around and flash their lights at the rattling refrigerator. Richie pulls out his knife, slowly walking toward it.

"Rich, what're you doing?!" Eddie whisper shouts. Bill starts advancing too, but the other two stay behind, too afraid to get any closer.

The fridge slams open and bill stumbles back slightly in shock. Stan lets out a pitiful squeak and closes his eyes, not wanting to even see what it is.

"Eeeeddie, you need to take your meds. You've forgotten again." Eddie gasps as he stares at his mother. But it isn't really his mother.

This mother, is sickly pale, and her entire body is dismantled inside the fridge. How can such a large women even fit inside this tiny fridge? Sitting in the middle of all the limbs is her head, a sickly pale tone to her face. One of the lenses in her glasses is popped out, the other extremely scratched up. Her hair is a mess, looking like a birds nest perched on top of her head.

Richie's eyes are wide as he shakes his head, his mouth slightly open. Then his eyebrows come together a little, and he shrugs a little. "It's Mrs.K" he says, pointing out the obvious.

Suddenly the head rolls out, coming towards Richie feet. Richie jumps, squiring away.

"Woah!!" He yells, dropping his knife in the process.

Mrs.Ks head hits against the stove, and stares at them all. Stan moves away, feeling too close to the head. Mrs.K looks up at her son, a horrid smile set on her lips.

"Eddie, come give me a kiss before you run off with your friends." Eddie shakes his head. "Come on, Eddie bear. Just a peck." Eddie is frozen in place, not able to move out of sheer fear. The only movement are his hands that shake at his side. Mrs.K looks over at Richie. She smiled a sickly grin.

"Riiiiichie, you'll give me a kiss, won't ya? You always offer. Come here, come get a peck." She began Puckering her lips at him. Richie gulps, taking a small step back. And then suddenly her smile fell and her eyes widen. She looks over at Eddie.

"Eddie bear, what's happening to me?" She questions as her head starts poking out at areas. Eddie shakes his head, opening his mouth but isn't able to form words. Mrs.K lets out a scream of pain as legs start coming out of her head, four on each side. They look like knives, and thin like twigs. Eddie gasps, moving back into a corner. Stan practically runs to the door, trying to get it to open again, his breaths labored. Mrs.K lets out a shrill laugh, setting herself up on her new legs. She looks around, her eyes quickly landing on Richie, who was the closest to her. With her teeth like razors, she lets out a shriek and quickly starts making her way toward Richie.

"Holy shit!!" He yells, trying to get away. The head lunges up and attaches itself to Richie shirt. He screams, prancing around as he tries to sling the head of the women off of him. He felt her teeth sink into his side and he yelps, feeling a sharp pain form there. He gets a grip finally and tosses the head up. Bill flashes his light, but they don't see her.

"Where the fuck did she go?!" Bill says loudly as he and rich flash their lights around. Eddie whimpers, his body stiff. Stan is still wrestling with the doorknob, his curls bouncing around as he tries to force it into opening.

Richie slowly walks around, holding his side. As he gets close to the fridge, he hears little demotic noises. He slowly looks and flashed his light up.

"Oh, there she is." He says nonchalantly.

The spider Mrs.K drops down and latches herself onto the males face. He falls back on the floor, his mouth wide as he tries to get it off. He puts his hands on either side of Mrs.Ks head, failing to pry her off. Bill runs over and grabs the head too, struggling with Richie. He feels the little claws digging into his face, little blood marks appearing on his skin. He shouts at it, flailing his legs. Bill looks around and sees the knife by Eddie's feet.

"Eddie, get the knife!!"

Eddie shakes his head. His body trembles, covering his ears. His eyes are filled with tears, watching the two struggle.

"Eddie, grab the god damn k-knife!!"

Eddie keeps watching, a couple tears trickling down his cheeks. He wants to help. He really does. But he just couldn't. He couldn't will himself to move from his safe corner. He couldn't get himself to move. He just couldn't.

Suddenly Stan pulls the door wide open. The Losers are on the other side and quickly  come in. They look at the scene before them and Bev covers her mouth. Mike looks around, seeing the knife. He grabs it and runs over to the two boys, quickly stabbing Mrs.K in the back of the head repeatedly. The talon like hands come out of Richie's face, still smiling. She stops moving, Mike having stopped it. Bill pulls the head away and throws it against the fridge. Mrs.K laughs, slowly scooting away, leaving all of them there. Richie lays there on his back, panting as he slowly began relaxing. They all look at each other, trying to calm themselves down.

Bill looks over at Eddie and he shakes his head. He storms over to him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

"What the f-fuck was that, Eddie?!" He screams, shaking the smaller boy a little. Eddie opens his mouth, but he still isn't able to talk. They all stare at them, bev stepping forward a little.

"Bill-" she starts to say, but She's cut off.

"Why d-didn't you grab the god damn knife!! Do you want Richie to d-die too?! Huh?!" Bill said, spitting in Eddie's face a little. Eddie is still too shaken up to even be disgusted. He inhales, his bottom lip quivering. He looks up at Bill, shaking his head a little again.

"I'm s-sorry. P-please don't be mad, Bill. I... I was just scared." Eddie says sheepishly, his eyes watering again. "I was just scared..." he repeats.

Of course Eddie doesn't want Richie to die. He loves Richie. He doesn't know what he would do without him. He just couldn't get himself to move. And he hates himself for that.

Bill's face softens. He slowly releases Eddie's shirt, looking at him. He shakes his head.

"T-that's what It wants. R-right?" Eddie nods in agreement. "Right. S-so don't let him h-have it." Eddie nods a little, looking down. Bill steps away and slowly walks over to Stan to check on him.

Eddie looks at where Richie is standing, and slowly makes his way over to him. Richie holds out his arms and Eddie goes into them. They hug, Eddie's eyes letting a couple more tears slip.

"I'm sorry, Chee. I should've helped. You could've died. You-" Eddie is whispering into his chest before Richie cuts him off.

"Hey. Don't apologize. I'm okay, see? We're both alright. It's okay, Ed's." Richie reassures softly. Eddie nods a smidge, relaxing a bit. Richie stealthily plants a kiss on Eddie's head and then pulls away. Bills looks at everyone, determination set across his face.

"Lets kill this clown."

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