Lets Kill This Fucking Clown

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"Eddie, you got to be fucking kidding me right now."

"Shut up, Rich. Quit making fun of me."

"How can I not? You're look like a fucking 5 year old!" Richie laughs.

Eddie rolls his eyes, bringing his scooter over to where his boyfriend is standing on his black skateboard. Eddie doesn't know why Richie feels the need to laugh at his scooter. It isn't a pretty pink thing or anything. Eddie thinks his scooter is actually pretty cool. It's blue, and electrical. He personally loves his scooter. And nothing Richie says will make him stop that.

"Lets go. Everyone else is probably already there." Eddie states. he goes to ride off, but Rich grabs his arm before he can go. Eddie looks up at his boyfriend, confused.

"Hey. I love you. Okay?" Richie says, all playfulness leaving his voice. His tone now serious. Eddie's eyebrows pull together- Rich wasn't serious often.

"I love you, Richie. Everything okay?"

"I just... If something happens to me in there-"

"Nothing will happen to you." Eddie corrects. Not over his dead body.

"Eddie. Anything can happen. And if I don't make it back out, I want you to know I do. Okay?" Eddie sighs.

"Okay. But nothing is going to happen. And i already know you love me. I love you too Bubba. " He reaches up on his tiptoes and pecks Richie's lips. Richie puts his hand on his cheek, making the kiss deeper. Giving all his love in it. Wanting Eddie to know just how much he does love him. And Eddie does know- and feels the same way unconditionally. He always would. After at least full minute, Richie pulls away slowly.

"Geez, Eds. Can't keep your lips off of mine, can you? Makes me wonder what else those lips want to be on-"

"God damnit Richie!! We can't even have one sweet moment, without you saying something fucking sexual?!"

richie laughs, riding off on his skateboard. Eddie huffs, all red faced, and quickly rides off after his boyfriend. Richie skates on his board, Eddie close behind him.

Richie has a bad feeling. He feels like something terrible is going to happen inside of Neibolt. But he doesn't know what. He knows he's probably just paranoid though. They were all fine last time- they will be fine this time too.

After a ten minute ride, they arrive to Neibolt. All the other Losers are sitting on the steps, their bikes leaned against the fence. Eddie makes sure he has his inhaler, and then the two walk up to where the other four are sitting on the steps. Bill looks up at them.

"H-hey guys." Bill greets.

"We ready for this?" Richie asks.

"Yep." Ben nods and the others stand up.

"Well, let's get this shit show starter. I've got a date with Mrs.K after this, and we all know how she gets when I'm late to fucking her in Eddie's bed-"

"Beep beep, richie." Eddie rolls his eyes. Richie chuckles, and shuts his trap.

"Well. Let's go-"


The others turn and look at where the voice came from. Running at them with their curls bouncing about, is none other then Stanley the man Uris. He reaches them, panting, his hands going to his knees. Everyone stares at their friend, shocked to see him.

"S-stan? What're you doing h-here?" Bill asks.

"I cant... I can't let you guys do this alone." He says. Standing up straight again and looking at them all.

"I-I thought-"

"I know. But I'll be fine. I'm coming." Stan states confidently. Though he feels anything but. He is the most nervous he's ever been in all his life. Though he isn't going to say that.

Mike smiles. Having a lot more confidence that they will defeat the clown now. Stan goes over and takes Bill's hand in his. Bill looks at him and smiles, glad to have his boyfriend with him. He gently squeezes Stan's hand.

"Rich, w-what did you say the last time we were here?" Bill asks. Richie's eyebrows pull together. 'Does he really expect my dumbass to remember everything I said four years ago?' Rich says in his head.

"Uhm.... let's go in there and measure dicks?" Richie guesses. Bev smiles and shakes her head.

"... we're all going to die?" He tries again.

"No." Bill shakes his head. Richie thinks some more. And then the light bulb goes off.

"Lets kill this fucking clown?" Bill grins, pointing slightly at him.

"Y-yeah." Bill breathes. Richie's face becomes serious, and he nods once.

"Lets kill this fucking clown." Rich repeats.

And then the Losers walk in, one task at hand.

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