And I Love You, Eds

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"This shit again."

They all stare down into the well. The spot Mike had got attacked by Bowers. The spot Stan had gotten attacked by the Flute Lady. The spot that led them to finding Bev in the Dead Lights. All this place brought was horrible memories.

Mike grabs the rope and ties it to a big boulder. He puts his foot against it and and pulls it hard, testing to make sure he tightened the knot enough. Once he's satisfied, he puts his foot back down and looks around at the others.

"Who's first?" He looks at everyone.

"I'll stand watch." Eddie says, looking down into the well nervously.

"Alright. Eddie's first."


"It's better to just get it out of the way. You'll be alright."

Eddie stares at Mike as if he had just grown two heads. He couldn't go down first. Just the thought has him itching for his inhaler. What if the rope snaps? What if he accidentally hits the stone wall? What if It is waiting down there for him? The Leper?

Richie can see Eddie's nervousness. He doesn't want him to be. He knew they are all anxious right now; but he can tell the idea of Eddie going down first is really bothering him.

"Nah, I'll go. I can masterbate down there real quick before any of you come down."

"Shut the fuck up, Richie. Jesus." Bill rolls his eyes. He loves Richie, but he really was the worst with his jokes.

Richie grabs the end of the rope and wraps it around his waist, tightening it. He holds onto some of it and watched the others grab it too.

"Here we go."

He steps over to the well and slowly gets himself down into it. A small breath of hidden relief escaped his lips when he doesn't fall to his death. He had been a bit worried that the others wouldn't have held the rope strong enough and he would have plummeted to the bottom and broke every last bone in his body.

He is slowly led down to the bottom. That same feeling of relief hits him as he hits the bottom with his feet. He stables himself and then unties the rope. He lets it go and looks up above.

"Alright!" He yells to them, and then watches as the rope is pulled back up. He waits down there, checking his surroundings every few seconds. He knew this was It's territory, and he doesn't feel like getting attacked right now because he is daydreaming.

Soon, Richie looks back up to see Eddie being lowered down. He is holding on tightly, his eyes squeeze shut as he did not wish to look down. When he is close enough, Richie grabs his waist, and it makes Eddie flinch.

"It's okay, Spaghetti. It's just me." Richie says softly. Eddie opens back up his eyes and looks at Richie. At the sight of him he wraps his arms around his neck, feeling safer. Richie holds him to his body gand unties the rope, and it gets drawn back up slowly. Eddie is holding onto Richie tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Eds, you okay?" Richie asks. Eddie nods slightly, but his hands shake a little.

"Eddie, talk to me."

"I didn't like being lowered down.. I felt like the rope was gonna break." He sighs.  "And... I keep thinking about that spider thing... what if I lost you?" Eddie whispers quietly.

Richie's face softens. He gently tilts Eddie's head up to see his eyes watering a little. He cups his cheeks and kisses his nose.

"Eddie, I'm okay. Really. I know you were scared. And that's okay. Everyone gets scared." Eddie leans into his boyfriends touch. "I wouldn't have wanted you to come help anyways. You could've gotten hurt. I wouldn't want that."

"But you could've died. That's a lot bigger then me getting hurt." Eddie whispers. Richie kisses Eddie's forehead.

"You're so much stronger then you know, Eddie. I know you feel bad. But you don't have to. I'm okay. You're okay. Everything's okay. I love you, and I don't blame you for any of this. I promise."

Eddie looks up at him, before leaning up on his tip toes and kissing him. They share a sweet kiss, Eddie's arms wrapped around his neck, and Richie's locked around the others waist. When they pull away for air, they rest their foreheads together.

"I love you, Chee." Eddie whispers softly.

"And I love you, Eds." Rich whispers back.

They hear the pitiful squeak of Stan Uris as he starts coming down, so they pull away and make a little distant between them. Richie smiles beautifully at Eddie, and Eddie can't help but smile back.

This would be one of their final good memories.

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