Chapter 2 : Moving Day

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That is Oleander/Luca ^

Belladonna POV:

I woke up at 4am. And since I couldn't go back to sleep I just prepared a longer breakfast and made more extra for my brother. I made pancakes with cut up fruits and toast. I made enough extra for Luca to have a full breakfast and me about a quarter. I quickly cleaned the house and by the time I was done, it was about 7am. I went to my room and woke Luca up. We ate breakfast and I rushed to clean our dishes before father woke up. With Luca we finished loading the truck while James, the pathetic excuse of a father we have, ate. The truck was soon loaded and a driver took it to our new house. We all got in James' truck and we were off to Louisiana.

"what do you think the house will look like" Luca whispered to me in the car.

Something to know is that we are not usually allowed to talk in the car. Today was no exception.

"I don't know, probably like all the other houses but now shush, or he'll get mad" I answered low.

"Well I guess it's too bad I'm already mad huh?" James said clenching the wheel.

The car came to a stop at a picnic area. He took me out of the car and took me behind some bushes. Before being pulled away I made sure Luca would stay in the car and not come out to help me whatsoever. James punched me in the stomach, wouldn't want me to have a bruise on my face the first day in town, people would ask too many questions. When I fell to the ground he kicked me hard in the ribs a few times. I heard a faint crack signaling me my rib was fractured. He then kicked my legs a few times too and stepped on my ankle. That hurt like a bitch. He then took out a pocket knife and turned me around. He carved something in my back while I didn't give him the satisfaction to hear me scream. Once he finished his graving, he went back to the truck. I got up, painfully may I add, and went back to sit in the back seat.

"you disgust me, I don't want to see your fucking face, get in the trunk"  James spat looking at me through the mirror.

"I disgust you, ha, you're the disgusting one" I thought to myself as I got out and went in the trunk. I forgot to precise but naturally the picnic area was empty. I crawled in the trunk and closed it. It was actually quite comfortable. I had snuck a few pillows and blankets in here knowing this would happen. I made myself cosy and waited to be able to get out. I have no idea how much time passes until the car came to a stop and my father honked for me to get out of the trunk, signaling me we will soon arrive. I quickly hid the blankets and pillows and got out. I went to back to the back seat and we were off again. About maybe an hour later, not even, we arrived. Father went directly inside and sat on the couch. Most the furniture was already built and placed so we only had to unpack the rest. Luca and me got everything in the house. We went to our rooms and unpacked our belongings. I then went to take a shower, luckily, I had a bathroom attached to my bedroom. I quickly showered and made dinner. Dearest father didn't give me too much of a beating since tomorrow we were going to school for the first time. He only punched me a few times in the stomach and a few kicks. I went upstairs and remembered I had to fix up my bruises from earlier and now. I went back to the room and apparently Luca remembered too since he already had the small kit. He helped me clean my bruises and then came my back. I took off my shirt, yeah I know for some people that sounds weird since he's gonna see my bra and we're siblings but a bra is like a bikini top if you ask me and he already found me a few times unconscious half naked so... And with everything we went and are going through that is probably the least I would worry about. Anyways, I took of my shirt and turned around. He gasped, I looked over my shoulder to see his watery eyes. I turned around and hugged him.

"Hey, it's ok, we're gonna be fine" I whispered in his ear.

He nodded his head and leaned out of the hug. I turned around again and he quickly cleaned up my back. We then went to bed after I washed the dishes.

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