Chapter 5

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Lily ^

Belladonna POV:

Not much happened during the rest of the week. A few people had tried to bully me or shit like that but it didn't affect me so I don't mind it. I just ignore them. Same goes to people who try to be nice to me. Yelp, I'm sorry I'm beaten and am not allowed to speak at school. Sorry I'm also not allowed to have friends. Anyways the weekend was slow and painful. Imagine having to be stuck in hell for two days. I don't think you'd like it very much. Now was monday and yesterday I had gotten and extra beating cause I "didn't make a good dinner." and I was "disrespecting HIM." Anyways, Luca and me were on our way to school and I was trying to hide my evident limp. I had one or two broken ribs, a spraint ankle, new cuts in my back and belt marks all over. We finally arrived at school and someone had to trip me. Why do you do this to me universe. I got up without showing any emotions and went to my locker. I got my books for my first few periods and went to class. I sat at the very back as usual and started doodling. All my classes went by quickly and now it was lunch time. I got an apple and ate it. I actually ate all of it for once. I worked more on my drawing when the seat next to mine was pulled.

"hey, I'm Lily. You seemed lonely so I wanted to keep you company." the girl said. I looked through my hoodie at her and she was pretty.

I just ignored her and she kept on insisting until she got angry. She started yelling and all eyes were on us. I just continued drawing. The girl then took my drawing.

"will you look at me now?!"

I turned around to look at her fully. She looked at my drawing and gasped.

"this is so pretty omg"

I motioned for her to have it so she would leave and stop trying to talk to me.

"what? I can't accept this. This amazing."

I nodded my head for her to understand that it really was not a big deal. I took my folder out of my bag and showed her I had many more drawings so I didn't mind her having that one. Plus it wasn't really pretty. Definitely not one of my best. Anyways she finally left with the drawing and I got up and went to my locker. I then sat down on the floor. Yep on the floor, in the middle of the hallway. Everyone was in the cafet anyways so that fine. I saw a figure coming my way and sit down next to me. It was luca.

"hey sis"

I got out a paper wrote.

Hey, you do realize you don't need to come see me every lunch.

"yeah but I want to check how you are keeping up. And also since you left I wanted to make sure everything was okay." he answered.

Ok, well I'm good, how about you?

"oh I'm great. What did that girl want?"

Oh she was just trying to be nice to me. I think she wanted to be friends or sum shit like that.

"why did she start yelling then. Don't you want friends."

I glared at him like he was crazy and pinched him. Not too hard but still.


I can have friends and you know that, neither do I want any. I sure as hell don't want to go back to the basement.

"yeah I never asked btw but what happened in the basement?"

You don't wanna know.

Just the thought send a shiver through my spine.

"please, I want to know. I need to know. Please"

I ended up by giving up.

The first time I went, I was faced with being tied up by chains, I was whipped, cut, hit everywhere. And then I was... Well let's just say I lost all my innocence. And the second is not to be discussed.

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