Chapter 6

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Rebecca ^

Belladonna POV

I woke up a little sore from last night's beating. It wasn't too bad actually but still hurt a bit. It's wednesday so today I have to go to Aaron's house to work on the project. I got dressed in simple clothes. I don't own too many clothes so it's not too hard to pick. I only have two pairs of sweatpants and one oversized jean. After that I have thred oversized t shirts and two hoodies. And that's all I own apart from undergarments of course. I actually have some sexy lingery for the rare times either my father is wayyy too horny and drunk or high or the rare times he sells me to get money to pay his alcohol and drugs, or even the times I went to the basement. I put on some sweatpants and a hoodie directly on top of my bra. If I can't take off my hoodie, why be even hotter by putting on a t-shirt underneath. I prepared breakfast and we headed to school. When we arrived me and Luca naturally separated ways. I went to my locker and headed to my first class. The whole day I just worked on my art until it was time to go Blake's house. Luca was gonna hang out at Nick's house, another of his friends. He was going there with all of his friend group. I waited for Blake in the parking lot. He came out after about 20 minutes, that bitch. His hair was ruffled and he had lipstick marks and hickeys all over his neck. Ew. So he made me wait 20 minutes cause he was fucking Kayla, because yes he came out seconds after Kayla who had messed up hair, smudged lipstick and hickeys as well. I rolled my eyes at how indiscret they were. Blake finally came towards me and didn't even say sorry for being late. BITCH. I swear he's getting on my nerves. If I could I would yell at him. I just rolled my eyes instead and showed him my very nice middle finger.

"what's that for? Want me to fuck you too" he smugly asked.

I made a gag motion and got in the car. He got on the driver's side and we went to his house. We went in and started asking each other questions. It was very clear neither of us wanted to be here. I would rather be at home rather than here. Wait maybe not actually. I shivered at the idea.

"you cold?"

Oh god. No I was just shivering cause I remembered I live in an abusive household. I rolled my eyes and shook my head no.

"fine. Anyways, you ask first"

Fine, uhm idk. What's your favorite day of the week?

"Saturday and Sundays duh. My turn, what is something illegal you have done."


Uhm I did quite a few things.

"ok examples?"

Uhm, *nervous laugh* I broke into my teachers house to burn my test cause I had a really bad grade and I didn't want my dad to see. I also often go to abandoned places cause it's peaceful there but technically it is illegal. I also shot someone in the leg... Uhmm... Do I need to continue or...

"you what? You shot someone in the leg??? Your a psychopath, wtf."

Hey don't you dare judge me when you don't know shit ok, maybe another time I'll explain why I shot that person but not now, now my turn to ask a question, uhm who's your best friend?

"Chris is my best friend. Now how many ex do you have?"

Ha 0, like I think you probably have referred to me as in the past, maybe present, I'm just a mute, ugly, freak and I have strict parents too, well a strict dad but he's strict enough for two.

"I uhm never called you that" he laughed nervously.

Of course. I totally believe you

I wrote as I rolled my eyes.

Ok, my turn, looks or personality?

"you expect me to say looks but it's not only that. The personality counts too, but when I just want to fuck ofc it's just looks, if a girl can make me hard, she has to be hot. Now my turn, do you speak, well more know any other languages than english."

I am fluent in french and spanish. Well mostly french since my mom was french but I learnt to speak spanish too and am now fluent. My turn, do you have any tattoos?

"as a matter of fact I do. I have one right behind my ear. My turn, do you have any tattoos."

Yeah I do. I have one but might do another

"where is it?"

Oh uhm underboob. If you had the possibility to go back in time and restart and change the past, would you?

"no. I believe that changing your past isn't the solution. Your past is what made you stronger, you learn from your mistakes and the past is what brought you were you are and it shouldn't be changed, even if it's bad, good will always come sooner or later. My turn-"

Blake didn't have time to finish because Cassidy barged into the room.

"oh hey Belladonna, right?" she asked when she noticed me. I nodded.

"I didn't know you were here, I'm sorry am I interrupting something?"

"no, we were just working on the stupid project." Blake answered his sister. Oh yeah I forgot, Blake and Cassidy are twins, did I mention that before?

"mind if I stay"

I shook my head no and Blake said he didn't mind either. I guess they must be quite close, like me and Luca. Well maybe not LIKE me and Luca cause well we live in hell itself but like they're close.

"anyways it was my turn to ask a question. So what's your dream job?"

Uhm I'm not sure yet, probably either a tattoo artist or a fashion designer, but for special events dresses if that makes sense.

"omg, that's so fucking cool" Cassidy shirped in. "especially with that talent of yours" she added.

I glared at her. What is she talking about?

"your drawings" she said in a duh-tone.

How did she see my drawings? Ooooh right, Lily I think her name was.

Oh that drawing wasn't really good.

Her jaw dropped to the floor.

"it was amazing"

I just shrugged.

My turn, who's the oldest? Cassidy or Blake?

"it's me." this time Blake answered.

"only of 4 minutes." added Cassidy.

Ok your turn

"why did you dye your hair white?" Blake asked.

I didn't. I was born with white hair. And no I am not albinos, I just have white hair.

"that is so. cool." Cassidy interrupted.

I looked at the time and realized I didn't have much time to go home and make dinner.

Fuck I gotta go sorry

I quickly packed my things up. I quickly rushed to Nick's house and got Luca, we then rushed "home" and I made dinner quickly. James came home before dinner was done which resulted with me on the floor getting repeatedly kicked in the stomach. I tried as much as I could to push James off but he wouldn't budge. When he was finally done, I got up using the wall and quickly finished making dinner. I then took some of the food with me and me and Luca ate. We then showered and went to bed.

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