Chapter 3 - First Day Of School

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Cassidy ^

Belladonna POV

I woke up and remembered today was the first day of school, yay! (note the sarcasm). I mean I do like school since I can get away from this hell hole but school is another hell. I'm not allowed to speak so people assume I'm mute and I have white hair and people find that weird but and they bully me for that. And I simply don't like studying, seriously how is knowing when the 2nd world War happened gonna help me in life, or how to solve 7x*5y+6-45x(6y+3x). Ughhhh. I got up and woke Luca up. We got ready and went downstairs. I was wearing very large sweatpants and a huge t shirt that floated around me. I didn't want anyone to notice any bump or just how skinny I am. I am not anorexic, far from that, but I am still skinny for the norm. I made breakfast and James came down the stairs stumbling.

"okayyyyy remember the ruleeees" he slurred.

"yes sir, we know them." me and luca answered.

"I MEANT RECITE THEM" he yelled. Moody much.

"Rule number one no talking.
Rule number two, no coming late from school.
Rule number three, no friends.
Rule number four, no boyfriends or girlfriends.
Rule number five, have good grades
Rule number six, no showing bruises unless absolutely necessary, like if you can't cover it up and if that happens make up an excuse.
Rule number seven, if anyone finds out anything about what goes on behind these walls, tell James directly, we will move. " we recited as we know them by heart.

" Good, if any of these rules are broken by you Belladonna, you're going to the basement" he hissed.

You might wonder why he only said that to me, well because firstly I'm the one he beats so it's worst if I break them, secondly since I'm the oldest and lastly cause he knows I won't let him touch Luca. Now the basement... I went twice there and hope NEVER to go back there. It was just so horrible... I was out for a few days and couldn't walk for about a week. The first time was okay I guess, it was still horrible but NOTHING compared to the second. I still get shivers thinking about it. I usually also have nightmares of those nights.

"Now get the fuck out of my sight"

Luca took both our bags and we headed out. I tried taking my bag back but he wouldn't let me. We walked the 10 minutes walk to arrive at school. I put my emotionless face on and we then went to the main office to get our schedule and locker numbers. Luca ended up talking after the lady didn't get hints we were mute.

"hello, we are new here, I am Oleander Thorne and this is my sister Belladonna Thorne, she is mute."

"I am so sorry to hear that, here are your schedules and locker numbers" the lady quickly said.

"thank you" Luca took everything and we headed out. He handed me my schedule and I noticed we ate the same hour. Thank god. We separated ways to go to our lockers. I then headed to my first class : physics, what a great way to start the day! (again sarcasm). I arrived a tiny bit late.

"you must be our new student, Belladonna Thorne, right ?" the teacher asked.

I just nodded as I'm supposed to be mute.

"I am Mr. Lancro, I will be your physics teacher this year. Would you mind telling us a little bit about yourself?"

Ughh why can't they tell the teachers before hand I can't talk. I took a piece of paper out of my bag and wrote down that I can't speak.

" ah, very well then uhm, you can just take a seat next to Miss Kinsley. Miss Kinsley, mind raising your hand so Miss Thorne can know where to sit."

A beautiful girl with jett black hair raised her hand. When I sat down, she immediately started talking to me.

"hiii, I'm Cassidy, but you can call Mr Cass. I absolutely loveee your hair." she said excitedly. "you don't really talk much do you?" she added when I didn't respond.

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