Chapter 4

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Aaron in média ^ just imagine he has black hair instead of brown and his eyes are green. I know he doesn't look at all like I said but it's more like for his hairstyle.

Blake POV

I woke up to my lil sis jumping on my bed. It's incredible how so tiny creatures can have so much energy so early in the morning. I got up and got dressed. (he can wear whatever you want). I went downstairs to see my mom had prepared some waffles. I sat next to Cass and began eating. I ate two waffles and me and Cass left. I gave her a ride and when we arrived we went to our lockers. As soon as I arrived at my locker, Kayla was all over me. She's so annoying, I mean she is a good fuck, I fucked her a few times already but she's so clingy and annoying. The bell rang and I decided to skip the first hour cause I hate physics. Me and Chris went to get Starbucks since we were both skipping. We got drinks for all of our close friends and headed back. In the car, Chris started talking about something I didn't want to talk about, the new kid.

"yo, see the new girl, the fat one with the white hair?" he started.

"yeah what about her?"

"I saw her this morning limping. So she isn't just a fat freak, she's clumsy too. To be honest she kinda scares me. She shows absolutely no emotions, like how is that even possible. And did you see how she reacted to Kayla being a bitch?!"

No one really likes Kayla, at least not any of my close friends. We're a group of 7, there's Cassidy, Rebecca, Lily, Chris, Logan, Marcus and me. Chris is my best friend and he is Lily's boyfriend.

"yeah Kayla was so mad."

"Yessss, her expression was priceless. What do you think bout the english project by the way?"

"ughhh it's gonna be annoying af. Why did I have to be with the fat mute freak?!! I don't want to know anything about her. She disgusts me. Me who was hoping to bang thanks so the project." I sighed.

"yeah sucks to be you, personally I'm with Oliver. He's seems kinda weird but nice so I won't complain, especially since you have, what was her name already?"

"I don't know, something like Bellarona, bellacona, bellana ? Idk but it's weird"

We finally arrived at school and went inside, we met with the rest and gave them their drinks. I then went to class. I arrived about 10 minutes late but oh well. The last seat available was next to the freak. Oh my god you gotta be fucking kidding me. I went to sit down next to her and she moved a little further away from me. So what? She's scared of me now. I rolled my eyes. I didn't do much the whole period and soon enough the bell rang.

Belladonna POV

After what felt like an eternity, the bell rang. I got up but fell back down when someone by accident pushed my side. I was screaming inside but I didn't let it see on the outside apart from closing my eyes shut tight and taking a deep breath. I got up and went to my next class. As per usual I doodled in class. It was a french class and we were not many in the classroom. I'm fluent french so I always get the best grades in french. I am fluent in 3 languages : french, spanish and well english. Anyways, I went back to doodling till the bell rang. I had one last class before lunch. I went to my next period and continued working on a drawing. Soon enough the bell rang and I got up after everyone. I left the classroom and headed to the cafeteria. I got a banana and went to the same table as yesterday. I started eating my banana and heard someone yell.


And just to piss that person off, I turned to look at him and did as if I was sucking a dick. Some of yall might think this is weird but I mean I can't talk so might as well show I don't give a fuck about what they say. Everyone in the cafet laughed and "ooed", I don't know if that even a word but you get it. I finished my banana and went back to my drawing. Luca sat besides me and looked at my drawing.

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