Chapter 7

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Belladonna POV

Today was friday and James wasn't home. He was on a business trip somewhere and wasn't gonna be here for two months. Saying I was relieved would be such an understatement. I was in heaven. I woke up and got ready and made some breakfast for Luca and myself. I woke him up and we ate breakfast in front of the tv. Which we never do. When we were done eating, we started heading to school.

"sooo I was thinking maybe we could go see Lidia in Alabama. I've been wanting another tattoo." I said as we were walking.

"ooooh yes, Lidia is so nice. It's been too long since we saw her."

Lidia was my mom's best friend before she died. Lidia is a tattoo artist and she's the one that did my tattoo when I was 15. It's illegal but she's a friend and I was done growing so she said it would be fine. Luca can't have a tattoo before he's at least 18 because he's far from done growing. Lidia lives in Alabama, she used to live in the same neighborhood as us when mom was still alive but after her death and after Luca me and James moved, Lidia moved as well but she moved to Alabama. I knew Luca would be glad to see her since she's a really nice lady and was always there for us. She has no idea what James does to us and I plan on keeping it that way.

"good cause I already bought the tickets. We're leaving tonight and coming back on wednesday."

We're gonna miss a few days of class but I know how to hack in the system of the school so James will never know we missed school.

"sounds great"

We finally arrived at school and went to class. My classes went by pretty slow and it was finally lunch time. Cassidy tried talking to me multiple times today but I naturally just ignored her. I was at my usual table when Oscar, one of the jokes, sorry I meant jock, sat besides me.

"hey sexy"

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him.

"I was wondering if you wanted take a trip to the janitors closet" he had this disgusting smirk on his face, like the smirks my dad's friends did.

I rolled my eyes and went back to reading. What? I can escape reality through reading. I didn't even notice Kayla standing besides Oscar until she squeaked.

"don't be so blunt, you might hurt the poor little fat virgin."

Oh? I thought last time you said I was a slut. I rolled my eyes and wrote down on a piece of paper.

I'm no more a virgin than you. Not that virgin is an insult.

"she got offended when I said she was a virgin?" Kayla said as if she was talking to a 3 years old.

"leave her the fuck alone." Luca came out of nowhere. Great, just great.

"ooh her own prince in shining armor. Kinda hot too. Maybe you'd wanna have some fun."

"I'm 14." luca answered plainly. Something we both learned doing is hide our emotions.

"well I'm 16, just 2 years difference ain't that much" she said trying to be seductive."

"i never said it was the age difference that bothered me. It's more the fact that you're a bitch."

Lmaoooo, that's it. Kayla scoffed and left.

Oscar left as well and Luca sat besides me.

"you ok sis"

I nodded my head yeah. We talked a little more, well kind of a one sided conversation. When the bell rang, we went out separate ways. Soon the day was over and I couldn't wait to go see Lidia. We walked back home and quickly got our stuff packed. We were then off to Alabama. We went to the train station and waited for our train. When it finally came, we got in with our tickets and got cosy, we were gonna be here for a while. We talked the whole time and I drew too. We finally arrived and got out. We spotted Lidia quickly and ran to her. She engulfed us both in a big hug.

"it's been too long" I mumbled.

"it has been indeed, now how about we go eat dinner" she said joyfully.

We both were hungry duh so we agreed. We went to a restaurant we always go to. It looks kinda like in the westerns and the food is great. (I just made that up in case.) we ordered and catched up while we waited for our food.

"so how's James?"

"oh he's good, I wanted to ask you Lidia, I was thinking about getting another tattoo, could you do it?." I re directed the conversation when Lidia started asking questions about James.

"oooh yeah sure, I would love too. what would you like?"

"I was thinking bout a rose on my back."

"I love the idea" Lidia squealed.

The food arrived and we ate while talking some more. Soon enough we all had finished and we headed back to Linda's house. She was going to do my tattoo tomorrow and we were all tired so we decided to go to sleep. I slept more peaceful that usual that night but still got nightmares. I haven't had a real night sleep in so long. The next morning I woke up too early, I went downstairs and watched tv. When it was about 9, I made breakfast since I knew Linda would soon wake up. She can be such a lazy ass sometimes. I made some waffles and bacon too. Linda and Luca both woke up near 10 and ate breakfast. I ate a waffle and two pieces of bacon as well. We then went to Linda's tattoo shop where she would do my tattoo. I got comfortable and I was wearing a t shirt where she could see the top of my back so she would have to take my shirt off. My bruises were healing but some were still visible. Luckily I didn't have any bruise on the top part of my back. Linda started on the tattoo and it somewhat hurt but I'm used to pain so like yeah... 6 long hours later, the tattoo was finally done. I looked in the mirror and fell in love with it.

 I looked in the mirror and fell in love with it

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This was the tattoo ^

"Omggg I love it, thank you thank you thank you."

"no problem sweetie, now let's go home, it's late."

We went back to her house and watched Annabelle Creation. That shit is scary. When the movie was finally over, we were all holding each other for dear life. We then decided to watch another show to lighten up the mood. We watched Avatar the last airbender since that's what me and Luca used to watch when mom was still alive. That show is the best, I swear. We watched many episodes and finally went to bed.

It was now wednesday and we were at the train station. The week went by in a flash and I was so sad it was already time to leave. It was early in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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