i love you, just know that

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CHAPTER FIVE- i love you, just know that


hi! how is everyone doing? hopefully you're doing well, i am, i went into school for the first time in over a year yesterday and it was so pog :)

i never really realized how much i missed being around other people in a classroom

but enough about me, thats not why you're here lol

i found a prompt that is just sad fluff and maybe kinda angsty idk and i wanted to write it so uhm yeah

it might be short idk if it is im sorry

also its dream smp is real life, but they have phones and stuff cause i need them to for the story

TWS: death, lots of blood, knifes, very thorough description of a stab wound, coughing up blood

and ik this is getting long for an a/n but i just want to say if there are any doctors or actual smart people dont attack me if i get anatomy wrong

im a child, have shit mental health, and watch minecraft roleplay all day. dont blame me

hope you enjoy!

a/n over

Tubbo gulped down a breath of cold air, slumping against a rough tree trunk. The pain in his abdomen was so sharp, so piercing, so painful, he could barely stand it.

He gasped at the movements, though they were subtle, they hurt maybe more than his past wounds. Not even Techno's firework had hurt this much, or when Sapnap killed him all those years ago. This was so much more. Tubbo glanced down at the wound, wincing at the sight.

Bad's egg-infected knife was still lodged in Tubbo's stomach, where Bad had plunged the red blade. The red of the knife was barely distinguishable against the steady stream of blood coming from the wound.

Tubbo reached down, trying to move the least amount possible, to attempt to remove the blade from his abdomen. Usually, that would be a shit idea, but if the vines were able to infect him internally, his obvious short time left would be cut at least a few minutes down.

He quickly extracted the knife, somehow able to hold in a scream of pain. It was excruciating, not to mention the extremely weird feeling of the knife passing through his body.

Tubbo looked down at the wound in an attempt to further assess the situation and figure out what was going on and what he needed to do, but paled (if it was possible to pale more than he already had) at the sight. There was a gaping hole in his upper abdomen, and he must have hit a vein or something, because blood was leaving his body at a rapid pace. And the Egg must have started to make its way in, because there were squiggly red lines tracing his stomach, like ink had made its way into his bloodstream. He ripped a strip of fabric off of his brown pant leg to staunch the blood flow and apply pressure, right now, that was all he could think to do. He couldn't use a tourniquet right now, obviously, as it was his stomach area and not a limb. So what else was he supposed to do? He couldn't remember.

After about a minute of applying constant pressure, it was obvious that the bleeding wouldn't stop, that he would die here. If he only had a few minutes, why bother trying to get help? It would arrive too late and he would never get to give goodbyes. For Tommy, a goodbye was impossible. He was already gone. But Tubbo's husband, and his son, they were still alive, so if Tubbo was going to do anything with his last few minutes, it would be to have one last conversation with his family.

With a painful movement, Tubbo reached to his pocket and retrieved his phone. Quickly opening his contacts, he called Ranboo, who picked up immediately.

"Hey Bee! Whats up?" Ranboo asked cheerfully, obviously oblivious to what was happening. Tubbo would miss that voice in whatever awaited him after this life. "Are you gonna be home soon?"

Home. What Tubbo would give to be home right now, reading with Michael, watching a movie with Ranboo. Their favorite- what was it called? Something about space, he thought. That's what he seemed to remember. The blood loss must have been affecting his brain.

"Tubbo?" Ranboo snapped him back to reality. "You good, man?"

"Oh, y-yeah!" Tubbo managed to get out. "I'll be home soon." Home soon. He'd be home soon. "How're you guys doing? I miss you and Michael so much, it's crazy!"

"Oh, we're doing pretty well, today Michael was building this thing with his blocks and I came into his room-,"

Tubbo's husband continued to ramble on about what had happened with Michael, Tubbo leaning on his tree, his free hand getting sticky with dark red liquid, in the darkness, but he was smiling. He loved Ranboo so much, his voice, the way it would get deep and raspy, or it could be high and sarcastic, and how, whenever Tubbo was sad, he would give him a big hug that always made Tubbo feel so safe and loved, Ranboo was almost twice his height, resulting with Tubbo's head leaning into Ranboo's chest, his jacket warm and soft.

Ranboo always smelled clean, but welcoming. Like vanilla bean and lavender. Tubbo loved that smell, he always had and always would.

But not anymore, he could feel himself getting more lightheaded as he laughed at all the funny things that Michael had done the past few days that Tubbo was away.

Despite Tubbo being so close to death, he couldn't be more at peace. He couldn't feel happier with his life, even though it was about to be cut short. He had been so lucky with his life, it was hard to feel spiteful. Sure, he was scared, but he didn't have any regrets. He would die on call with his husband. Knowing how much he was loved. And what was to regret about that?

When Tubbo could sense his last breaths approaching, he paused Ranboo in his story. "Boo?"

"Yeah?" Tubbo could hear the sweet smile in Ranboo's voice.

"I- I love you, just know that. Oka- kay?" Tubbo smiled a ghost of a smile, letting out a few rough coughs accompanied by blood before closing his eyes and drifting off, almost like he was falling asleep.

"Tubbo?" Ranboo said urgently. "Tubbo? You good?" With a few more tries and no response, Ranboo got more and more desperate for an answer. "Tubbo, please answer me! Tubbo- please!" His tears ran down his face, burning his skin, but he barely even noticed. No response. "Tubbo, where are you? Tubbo, please, answer me! P- please-" His voice cracked at the end of his sentence. "Bee, please answer... Don't leave..."

Still, no answer, no noise on the other end of the call. Nothing.

"Tubbo, PLEASE!" Ranboo's voice went rough when he yelled, hurting his throat. But like his fresh burns, he barely noticed it. He continued to yell into his phone, cradling it in his arms in a desperate way, teleporting around he and Tubbo's bedroom as he always did when very nervous or on edge.

"Please answer..."

fin (:


o7 i am so pog

part two maybe? searching and funeral? perhaps? vote? maybe? follow? perhaps?

lol sorry i got carried away

i want you guys to make sure u are taking care of yourselves! eat, drink, get out of bed, all of those things. I know its hard, but think about how proud you'll feel when u make progress! and you will feel so much better if you take care of yourselves :)

do it for me, and your friends, and your family but mainly for yourself.

you are beautiful.

you are valid.

i am so proud of you for all your progress

all the days you have gone without hurting yourself

all the snacks you eat

all the sips of water

i am just so so so proud

and i want you to keep it up, and have a great day/night/4am, i love you so much💚

bee and boo (platonic ranboo and tubbo oneshots) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now