Chapter 2 - A Silent cry for help

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We start with feet standing right in front of our view. They were in dark brown boots, so dark they could be mistaken for black. Following up the leg, the person was wearing light brown pants, along with a brown shirt. On their belt, they had things that looked like potion bottles.

We zoom out a bit and you see an adult boy, he had dark-colored hair and one bright teal stripe in his hair. Along with a genuinely nice smile that could make your heart melt. He also had these goggles put on his forehead. You hear a raccoon chatter from behind your view. "Hello, I'm Varian. I am twenty years old and I- RUDDIGER NO!!!!" A giant explosion from out of the frame happened.

Then you see Varian holding a raccoon with the same goggles he had. "And this is Ruddiger. He's my lab buddy. He helps me to do a lot. He even helped me build what's recording me right now. I call it, the camera...... Ruddiger?" Ruddiger makes this fake lightning noise. "Anyway, today I'm just showing you how I do my Lab stuff. So here we go." Ruddiger jumps out of the camera view. "RUDDIGER DON'T TAKE THAT!!!" The camera started moving around, and it was clear Ruddiger had taken the camera. Varian was chasing behind him.

1 hour later.

Varian is sitting at his desk all tired. "Ok, you win! I give up." Ruddiger came and dropped the camera by Varian's arm. Varian let off a little smile, but it faded away as he reached into his pocket and grabbed a picture of Cassandra.

Varian fixed his posture. "Hey, Cass." He said kinda nervously but still in a sweet way. "I missed you quite a bit today. It would've been more fun to have you here. It was total chaos, but if you were here, it would be a lot better...." Varian slowly melted into the table. His back became crunched again as he put his head on his arms that were laid on his desk.

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up." Varian perked his head up. Hey! Why don't we go and say hi to some of the people of Corona? That tends to normally cheer us up, and hopefully, I can get my mind off you know who."

Ruddiger let out an excited Chatter as he got on Varian's shoulders. Varian gave Ruddiger a smile as he stood up and started to walk over to this ladder in his room. He climbed up the ladder into this trap door. He opened the trap door and it went into a small little cabin.

In the cabin, there was stuff everywhere. On one hand, it was messy, but that was the charm of it. As he walked around, he had this loft bed, along with a desk and couch in the room. It was very small and not A lot of space. Around the room, there were things showing it was Varian's room.

There was an "Adventures of Flynn rider" poster on his wall. Along with books everywhere. The scroll that used to have the incantations along with a bunch of other things.

Varian walked up to the door, he took a deep breath with Ruddiger still on his shoulders, he stepped through the door. When he stepped out he was in the middle of Corona, because that is where he had moved a couple of years ago. He was right by the castle entrance. He was walking around the streets of Corona to try to find something to do or someone to talk to.

Varian saw the snuggly duckling not too far away, he stepped in. "Hello, fellow friends!!!" It was all the guys who would always stay at the snuggly duckling. They looked really scary, Varian kinda seemed like an odd one out, but don't let their look fool you, they are all very kind, and sweet on the inside.

One of the guys invited Varian to come and sit with them. He came and sat down by the big tough guys as Ruddiger started climbing anything he could find around the room. "Nice to see you again Varian." One of the guys said. "You want a drink?" "Sure." "Get one water please!" One of the guys yelled to the man over by the counter.

The man at the counter looked at Varian. "You've been here a lot this month, what's going on?" The dude at the counter asked while washing the used cups. One of the other guys agreed that Varian should say what's wrong, as the waiter came and gave him his drink. "Yeah, you have come here 8 times in the last six days. Sure, we like having you here kid.... But?" "OK!!! I get it!!!" Varian yelled.

One of the guys sitting next to Varian nudged him with his shoulders. "It's about the Cass again, isn't it?"

"Pfft what NO!!!" Varian said while blushing.

"Kid you got to let it go. She's never gonna like you." One of the guys across the table said.

"She's MOVED ON!!!! It's been three years since you last saw her!!! She doesn't care kid." One of the other guys said.

"Yeah, and she's not worth it." One of the guys at the back of the table said.

Varian snapped. He threw his glass at the floor making it shatter as he stood up on the table. "Hey!!! I don't see many of you trying!!!! How many of you have fallen in love!!!! Well, no matter how good they are!!!! They don't even compare to Cassandra!!!! She is beautiful, strong, powerful, funny!!! SHE'S PERFECT!!!! No matter what you say!!! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON CASSANDRA!!!! SHE'S EVERYTHING YOU COULD WANT IN A GIRL!!!!!

If I were to animate this on my YouTube channel, there would most definitely be a song her, called "What I want in a girl." Tell me if you would like to see that in the comments. (My YouTube channel is just Velvita Rose. Feel free to check it out. Sorry for interrupting.)

SO NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!!!! SHE IS WORTH IT!!!!!" Varian paused and saw he was standing on the table. Embarrassed he got down and walked up to the guy at the counter. He handed him a small gold coin he had in his pocket. "Here, for the drink.... And for the cup." Ruddiger got on Varian's shoulder. Varian was walking towards the door when one of the guys in the back called his name.

Varian turned around to see one of the guys at the table say, "Varian! This is why we like having you here." Varian smiled as he turned back around and walked out the door.

Varian was walking on the sidewalk when he heard something running towards him. Varian quickly looked as he saw Cassandra's horse. He immediately put his hands in front of the horse.

"Wow, wow, wow, easy.... Easy...." He said calming the horse down. He put his hands on the horse's head, and he followed down to the horse's saddle when he saw a small bag on the side of the horse. He opened it up and inside was something shiny.

He pulled it out and looked at it, it was the neckless he had given to Cassandra. With the small piece of Cassandrium still attached to it his eyes widened. He walked over to the horse and looked her in the eye. He had a voice that was extremely serious as he said.... "Where's Cassandra?"

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