Chapter 12 - Revisiting the past

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Slowly a bright light started coming in through the window. We look over to see a bed with two people in it. Cassandra slowly opened her eyes, to the bright sunlight shining through the window. Cassandra would have normally gotten up, but she didn't want to wake up Varian, who was sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed.

Cassandra looked over at him, she gave him a small warming smile. She leaned down and kissed his forehead as she stood back up she put her back to the wall of the bed. When she heard a tired voice. "Good morning Cassie." Cassandra looked over to see Varian stretching as he slowly got up.

Cassandra sat on the edge of the bed, Varian slowly made his way over to Cass on the edge of the bed. He sat right next to her with his feet hanging off the edge. Cassandra was looking off into the distance and Varian nudged her in a playful way with his shoulder. She immediately pushed him with her side in a playful way.

Varian let out a playful. "Hey!" She gave him a giggle as she looked rested her head on him again. Varian looked at her. Cassandra and Varian just sat there a bit while they tried to wake up a bit more.


About ten minutes later Varian and Cassandra walked out the door to the room they slept in. When they walked out to Rapunzel making some meal and Eugene leaning on a wall with his arms crossed. "Look who's finally awake," Eugene said with a smug smile.

Varian and Cassandra were both a bit confused, but Varian put his confusion to tell Rapunzel, "That breakfast looks great." Varian said going to taste one of the strawberries on the food tray.

Rapunzel pulled the tray away from Varian's hand and informed him, "This is lunch? Not breakfast." Varian and Cassandra were now really confused.

"Well, your having breakfast really early then," Cassandra said in a judging way. When Eugene let out a laugh.

Both Varian and Cassandra looked over at Eugene. "You do realize that it's one in the afternoon," Eugene said while looking smug.

"WHAT!!!" Cassandra chirped knowing she almost always wakes up around six to seven.

Rapunzel walked over to Cassandra and Varian with the completed food tray for the two of them as she said in a supportive way, "Well we were going to wait for you two to wake up, but Eugene started getting really hungry."

Varian scratched the back of his neck, "Well I guess that's what we get for not sleeping in a real bed for about five days." Varian said referring to his time with Cassandra in the prison cell.

Rapunzel was shocked by that news. "Five days!?!" She shouted as she dropped the forks she was going to hand to them.

That is when Rapunzel's mother-like instincts kicked in, she immediately walked over to Varian and Cassandra. Rapunzel walked around them looking a bit worried. Cassandra was completely weirded out by this side of Rapunzel.

Rapunzel came up and she looked at them closely. She touched Cassandra's chin and lifted it up seeing a cut along her throat. "Oh no!!!" Rapunzel said worriedly.

Cassandra grabbed Rapunzel's hands and pulled them away from her face. "Raps! I am fine, really."

Rapunzel sighed knowing her friend was right as she looked down, but that's when she saw a small rip on Varian's shirt.

Rapunzel walked over to Varian and lifted up one of his arms and he looked fine, then she started looking around Varian. "I'm gonna say, I'm not hating this," Varian said in a flirtatious manner, making Cassandra glare at him with a bit of jealously.

That's when Rapunzel lifted up his other arm and saw a bigger tear on his shirt. "Rapunzel!!!" Cassandra yelled for about the tenth time, but Rapunzel was too focused to notice any of them. When she started to untuck the one side of Varian's shirt from his pants, that's when she saw it.

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