The Tree Behind Her House

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One day, Tasha was exploring the woods behind her house. She found a tree that looked suspicious. The back side of it had a door. The door was covered with famous landmarks from around the world like the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. She opened the door in curiosity and imagined what might be inside. She thought there was going to be books stacked on top of another for her to read and comfy chairs to sleep in. The inside couldn't have been any different. She saw only one book that looked like it was dropped in the mud and it smelled like it has been sitting there for hundreds of years. Tasha opened the book and dust went flying out. What happened next, startled her the most.

When Tasha finally dusted off the book, it said," Emily Rose you're finally back. All these years we have been waiting for you." "I'm not my mom. I'm Tasha Rose, her daughter", she replied. " Oh, I'm very sorry. My apologies. My name is The Record of Time. I keep track of everything you could think of. For example, when Julius Caesar last went to the restroom, which was March 14, 44 BC.", it said. "Umm...Ok...Now, what do I do?"' said Tasha. "I will put you in a time period were a famous landmark was being built to explore it. Your mother's favorite was Big Ben, so I will put you there. Bye!!!!", screamed the book.

The tree started to spin around in circles. She felt like Dorothy when her house got picked up by the tornado. In a few seconds, she was knocked out. When she woke up, she saw two women wearing bell-shaped dresses. "Darling, are you ok?", said the lady in the salmon pink dress with dark brownish hair. The other woman was wearing baby blue and had blonde hair. "Huh?",Tasha said as she tried to get up but there was something here around her waist. It was layers and layers of fabric. "Do you need help?", said the blonde woman. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you.", responded Tasha. The woman is pink asked," Where are you from?" "Umm...Portland." Tasha answered. "Where's Portland?" she asked. "Never mind. Where are we?" " In England. We had a fire a few years ago. The Westminster Palace burns down. They are building a new building that will include a tower and a clock."

Then, Tasha passed out again. The air around her started to feel colder and colder. She awakened by a clock ding. A tourist walked up to her and said,"Are you ok?" "Yes ma'am" Tasha looked up and saw a big clock. The wind blew harder. She got swept up in the air. She was back in the tree. "How was your trip?" said the book. " Not very informational but good enough." " I will see you later. Goodbye."

Tasha went back to her house and told her mom about it. She told about the ladies in the dresses and the huge clock. "Wow! That was...interesting. I remember when I was little, i went to Greece. I saw them give offerings." Her mom told her more stories about historical landmarks.

This is where the story ended. Hi, I'm Tasha. I am currently 18. The story was 9 years ago. I 've been on many more adventures. I am more creative because of the Record of mTime. I am now a world traveler. I have traveled to Asia, Europe, and basically every continent. Thanks for listening to my story. 

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