Chapter Thirty One

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This chapter may be triggering to some readers, read with caution ⚠️

"Is everything alright, you guys stood outside for long?" Mum had asked immediately we stepped into the house.

"Yeah, everything's fine," I half lied and headed straight for the kitchen.

Temi was standing behind the cooker and she turned when the click of my heels echoed throughout the kitchen. Her eyes lit up when she saw me.

"How have you been? You literally left us here," she complained as I hugged her.

"Been busy, how have you been?" I smiled genuinely for the first time today.

"I missed you oo, look at you," she looked at me properly from head to toe.

I twirled for her and she clapped. "Thank you," I mock bowed and she laughed.

I was wearing a blue Senators suit, it had a touch of Ankara at the front of the shirt.

"I'm really sorry about Andrew, I know how you guys really love each other," she said and I tried for the mood not to shift completely.

"It's fine, it's not the end of the world," I looked into the pot and looked back at Temi.

"Egusi? Please tell me there is pounded yam."

"Of course, trust your mother." She laughed then turned off the gas. "Please tell mummy that the food is ready."

"Okay," I left the kitchen and bumped into Miles on the way out.

"Sorry," his hand reached out to steady me but this time he held my arm instead. "I was looking for the restroom."

"Down the hall, first door on your right," I directed and he nodded before I walked away to look for my mother.

"Good evening dad," I greeted when I saw him in the living room, his gaze fixed on his phone.

Our guest hadn't arrived yet so mum was still sitting on the couch beside dad. "Mummy ounje ti šetan" (food is ready.)

"Okay," she stood up and walked to the kitchen just as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," I told Dad when I saw him standing up.

I looked down at what I was wearing, straightening imaginary wrinkle on my shirt before opening the door and smiling. "You're welcome," I moved aside so they could all step in.

"Victoria!" Beverly smiled and hugged me as she stepped into the house. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas!" I greeted all of them and closed the door when the last person had entered.

I led them to the living room and after everyone was done with the greetings I noticed that Miles was missing so I walked to the bathroom he had entered and knocked on the door.

"Miles, are you in there?" I called.

There was no answer so I knocked again, "Miles?"

"Yeah, I'm coming." His deep voice called back to me so I waited for him to walk out of the bathroom.

"Are you okay? You were in there for long." I studied his face but got nothing, he looked normal.

"Yeah I'm fine," he walked away without even waiting for me.

I reached to close the bathroom door but stopped when I saw something that I hadn't seen in the bathroom before.

It was pills in a sealed bag. I took it up and looked at it, somethings were written on the body and I had to squint to see it.

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