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I shot up from the bed, panting and sweating as my last argument with Dustin was on my dream but it was way more horrible.

I glance on the clock sitting on the bedside table. 12:25, I didn't sleep that long enough.

I headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water but my actions came to a halt when I saw Luke there sitting on the kitchen island and eating a toast.

"What the hell, Luke? It's past midnight and you're still up?" I questioned, opening the fridge. One thing came to my mind, I'm running out of groceries.

"I guess I'm the one that should ask you that." He muttered with his mouth full.

"Some bad dream woke me up, how 'bout you?" I replied quickly as I sat next to Luke.

"I was about to sleep when I heard some disturbing noises, I suppose your neighbors are doing naughty stuffs since there's a lot of moaning and groaning." He said, trying his best not to laugh and choke at the same time.

"We're used to it though." I chuckled, fixing my hair a bit.

We're. Me And Dustin. Stop thinking about him for fucks sake.

Luke coughed awkwardly before standing up to his feet. "Goodnight, I'm going to sleep now." He said with an obviously fake yawn.

"Okay night Luke." I said before I went back to my room.


Julia: meet me on the coffee shop, 9 a.m sharp. Let's have a talk.

I read, hastily putting a putting a pair of jeans as I headed down the hallway to living room. "Shirt. I need a shirt." I mumbled, walking back inside my room.

"Thea, someone's here. I think it's your mum." Luke called, his voice getting nearer as he spoke.

Opening the door, I saw Luke with a nervous look all over his face. "What happen?" I asked, oh god, I hope Julia didn't say something bad.

"I guess she's upset, she just literally barged in without knocking." He shrugged as we both walk towards the living room.

"Honey, who the hell is this boy?" Julia asked, her eyebrows scrunched in annoyance.

"I thought you said you'd meet me in the coffee shop? He's Luke by the way." I stated, glancing at Luke.

"I changed my mind, so Luke, why are you with my daughter? Where's your boyfriend?" Julia asked, getting her purse as she stood up.

"I uh... I-" Luke didn't come up with excuses so I cut off his stuttering, "We just broke up."

Julia didn't seem to be surprised or shocked, in fact she just rolled her eyes and took out a white envelopeout her purse, handing it to me.

"What's this?" I asked, examining the white envelope in my hands.

"Open it when you're ready. See you later Althea." She said before leaving the apartment.

"What just happened?" Luke muttered, completely confused.

"Oh it's just Julia being her bitchy self." I waved off, sounding like I'm phased by her being a bitch.

"Would you want to open that letter? I think it must be something important written in it." Luke suggested as I gave him the envelope which I'm probably gonna throw away.

"I mean perhaps it's some kind of lottery saying that you won something like that." He elaborated, having a little peek of the letter.

I took the letter off his hands and crumpled it. "Why would Julia give me a lottery letter? It's probably some kind of boring long ass letter from my unknown relatives so why bother reading it, right?" I stated before I make my way to the trash bin on the kitchen.

Luke followed closely behind. He surprisingly forgot what he was concerned of about when I told him I was going to bake some brownies. Yay, cooking skills. Which still sucks by the way.

"Are you sure you wouldn't burn your house? I've watched some cooking shows and they end up not very well than I had expected." Luke out of nowhere said as his curious eyes follow my every move.

"What kind of crappy cooking shows are you watching? Trust me, I know what I'm doing and no one's house would get burned alright?"

"Okay, so what fillings should we put inside the- Luke what in the earth are you doing?" I turned around to see Luke shoving a spoonful of Nutella in his mouth.

"Oh my, I forgot what Nutella tasted like. I've missed sneaking one of these to my room when I was nine. Oh nostalgia." Luke moans as he speaks to himself.

"Yeah, it kinda sucks because I never liked the taste of nutella. Usually Dustin buys it for his own." I said truthfully, his name still stung like bee when I say it. Jesus, when will I get over him?

Luke licked off the remains of the nutella on his lips before heading towards the sink to wash the spoon. "Are the brownies ready? I can smell the scent of it already and I'm also kind of hungry though."

"I just put it in the oven, let's watch some movies while we wait."


"Mmm, this is so freaking good! I could eat this forever." Luke said, his mouth dull of brownies.

"Chill Luke, you can't eat brownies forever. You might not want to get diabetes or some kind of brownie poisoning." I stated, mentally facepalming myself because I literarily made that word up.

"Is that a thing?" And Luke being a retard too, believed that there is a thing such as brownie poisoning.

"No you dimwit, unless you put some rat poison in your brownie, but I'm not too retard to put poison on my food." I ate the last brownie as I rolled my eyes at him.

"I tried that once to my older brother, I pranked him back because he put thumbtacks into my socks, but I got grounded though. And I still hate him for not admitting that he did the pranking first." Luke said, looking at the distance as he eat his brownie.

"Wow you guys must really like torturous games to play with each other. Speaking of games, I want to teach you another videogame but I hope you won't smash the PlayStation like Dustin did."

"I have a long patience, and I'm an easy learner too." Luke shrugged like he became a pro after playing COD with me.


I feel like this was the most boring chapter ever (I probs sound like some authors complaining about their story but their writing is really good tbh) and I kind of want to put a huge plot twist in this story but I don't really know where the fuck do I put it. And also my crappy phone is lagging rn its so damn hard to type. And lastly, thanks for the positive comments I got (even though I only got 2 or 3
, but still) so yeah gbye ppl and I'd be updating soon. :)

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