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(LUCAS' FIRST POV MOTHERFUCKERS!! I should not probably swear bc it's his POV lmfao)


I don't want to end this day yet just because a.) My back is getting sore from sleeping on Althea's couch and b.) I enjoy playing videogames with her.

And probably c.) Because I have a little crush on her.

Darn it Luke, why on earth would you have a crush on her. Thoughts in my head saying these things which keeps me tormented every second I look at Althea.

I barely freaking know her and rather did she! What was I thinking? She already got me heart eyes on her.

"Look where you're heading!" She shouted, making me startled and facing the reality.

"Oops, sorry. I think we should take a break first. My eyes are kinda watering from staring for so long in the TV screen." I lied. Well part of it because I basically stared at her playing videogames with knitted eyebrows and in full concentration.

"Yeah I see, little did you know that I notice you staring at me the whole time." Althea chuckled, flashing her aligned pearly teeth. Okay it sounded a bit creepy to stare at someone's teeth.

"Luke," She snapped her fingers, my thoughts vanished as I looked back at her.

"Yeah, where was I? Oh, sorry if you're creeped out by that." I coughed awkwardly before I excused to get some water on the kitchen.

It's three minutes before midnight, I read on the wall clock above the fridge before I went back to the lounge area. Althea was already laid back on the couch while her legs propped onto the backrest, as she watch some TV show I've never watched before.

"I- uh I'm going to take a shower." I said before heading towards the bathroom. I had surprisingly got familiarized with the rooms if their apartment even though I only stayed here for just a few days.

"There is a huge ass spider on the shower stall, be careful. You might not want to get bitten by that shit." She shouted on the other room but I can't barely make her words out. But two things I had keep in mind though. Spider and shower stall.

Well thanks for reminding me my hatredness on spiders. Let's see if I could survive.

Thanks for her warning, I carefully removed the gigantic spider off of the shower stall with the use of toilet tissue, freeing it outside the window where it could crawl away in peace.

"Hey uh, don't you mind if I use your coconut shampoo?" I asked rather loudly, hopefully enough for her to hear.

"Not at all. Just don't use too much." She replied.


Althea let me sleep with her in her room just for tonight. She made me sleep on the floor though, still better than sleeping on the couch.

"Luke? You still awake?" Althea asked, propping her elbow.

"Yeah I guess." I yawned, my eyes fluttering close.

"Do think Dustin would still come back?" She asked. I thought, part of me wants to encourage her and say yes he will and part of me doesn't want him to come back at all.

"It depends I think, if he still wants you..." I retorted, fidgeting on the mattress on the floor.

Thea groaned, turning her back against me. "Ugh, I don't even know what to do anymore. I kinda want to talk to him but I still hate his guts and... Ugh, I just-"

"Give him some time until he realized he's a screwed up person." I reckoned, awkwardly coughing.

"Thanks for the help, really." She muttered with an exasperated sigh.

The sound of the cars outside are the only thing to be heard. Albeit Dustin was her boyfriend after all, I can't still comprehend why he cheated over her. I mean, look at her, she's kind, loving and sweet... And has a nice bum-

"Luke, do you have a girlfriend back in your home?" Althea asked, her voice almost startling me.

"I did have a girlfriend but we called it quits because her mum doesn't really liked me that much." I shrugged, reminiscing that already forgotten memory.

"I'd love to hear the whole story." She encouraged, a hint of excitement visible in her voice.

"Oh trust me it's not really interesting." I rolled my eyes.


I chuckled before finally giving in and telling her the summary of my failed romance.


"Wake up blonde boy, we're going shopping." Althea's voice echoed through the room.

"What? Ugh this early?" I moaned, rubbing my eyes.

"It's like eleven thirty. Quick, get dressed and I'm going to buy new pair of jeans." She stated, pulling the duvets away from my shivering body.

"Okay mum." I chuckled.

The taxi ride wasn't expected to be fun, Althea started to belt out the lyrics of the pop songs on the radio although the driver doesn't really seemed to be enjoying her singing.

"Ow, dragging doesn't really help. I could walk in case you didn't know." I let go of her grip, massaging my numb wrist.

"Oopsie, i just got really excited though. I barely got a shoppq spree when I'm free."

"What about your work? Did you inform Hailey?" I questioned, barely remembering the girl's name.

"She surprisingly agreed when I phoned her earlier this morning, plus, Julia gave me plenty of money to buy new clothes. And your clothes too." She said, stroking her chin.

"What? No, I'm fine with Dustin's clothes. No need to buy new clothes for me." I reassuringly said.

I didn't notice that we're in front of a huge store, "No, I insist. You should buy yourself at least one pair of jeans. Jesus, what in earth you did wear when I met you." She chuckled to herself.


Quick note, I'd be updating less bc I'm quite busy with my life rn (oh rlly Emma you have a life now? Wow. *sarcasm) lol anyway, can you guys at least do me a favor? Please Follow me on tumblr it's vagabond-phan.tumblr.com and might as well send me a message ;) (i follow back tho)

Okay, I think that's all I wanted to say. Ciao!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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