𝖒𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖛𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖘

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       "What if I asked you to turn me?"

The words echoed in Rory's head. His jaw dropped in disbelief, looking baffled at what his bestfriend just asked him. On one hand, he thought, that was dangerous and stupid. On the other hand, those were two things he was very good at being; Dangerous and stupid. But turning his bestfriend into a vampire and forcing her into an immortal, never-ending life? Why would she ask for that?

He felt Valerie grab his shoulder and shake him gently. "Rory, I asked you a question." Rory looked up quickly. "Val, why the hell would you want me to turn you into a vampire?," he asked in a shocked, almost scolding tone. Valeries's eyebrows furrowed as she thought of a response. She didn't know what to say.

"Uh, I asked you a question now."

Valerie sighed and looked down at her lap where she had been fiddling with her fingers nervously. "I dunno.. It's just you."

"What do you mean 'me'?"

"I wanna be like you Rory."

Valerie just seemed to be full of surprises tonight. Rory didn't know if he was just dreaming or if this was real life. "Why would you wanna be like me? I'm just Rory."

Valerie rolled her eyes and stood up from his bed. "You know what, nevermind. Forget I asked."

Rory tried to grab her by the wrist but missed. "Val! Wait-," he called, but she had already left. He dropped his head into his hands, groaning. "Fuck."

Meanwhile, Valerie walked out of his house, walking down the sidewalk outside. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and thought maybe it would be Rory texting her, but it was actually Benny messaging the group chat that her, Ethan, Rory and Sarah were in.

'wazzuppp guysss, pizza and movie at ethans place tonight?'

Followed quickly by another:

'and rory too, if hes feeling better'

Valerie quickly typed out a message back, telling them that she would be there, and almost immediately after she did so, Rory sent a text as well also agreeing to come. Now, she was worrying that things would be awkward between her and Rory at Ethan's place tonight, considering the fact that she had just asked him to turn her into a fucking vampire, and he rejected it.

"I'm so dumb," she said out loud, to no one in particular but herself.

Well, there was no use in moping about it, so instead she went home and changed into a different outfit for tonight.

The dark haired girl went into her closet, contemplating what to wear. She decide on a oversized flannel, some baggy jeans, and converse. Her and Rory always seemed to be wearing flannels. She looked at herself in the mirror and then checked her phone again to see that everyone had agreed on going to Ethan's tonight. She just hoped Rory wouldn't bring up what had happened.

~ | ~


"Rory, shut up!," everyone said at almost the same time.

Rory winced, shoving popcorn into his mouth and talking with his mouth full. "Sorry guys, you know I get scared easily."

"For fucks sake Rory, you're a vampire," Benny said, earning a laugh from everyone, including Rory.

When they had all arrived at Ethan's house, they spent several minutes debating what movie to watch. Sarah wanted to watch a Dusk movie, while Ethan and Benny wanted a Star Wars movie. Sarah and Valerie were not about to sit through that, and they finally settled on one of the Friday the 13th movies, which Rory had been screaming through the majority of it.

Valerie sat on a couch next to Sarah, with Benny, Rory and Ethan all piled onto the other couch with each other. All of a sudden, Valerie felt a pain in her arm where Rory had bitten her earlier that day. She grabbed the spot, wincing and rubbing her arm. Sarah noticed this and looked over at her. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," Valerie said, trying to brush it off. "Just a bruise."

Sarah looked skeptical of Valerie's excuse, but chose to just ignore, because she knew Valerie was stubborn and either way wouldn't tell her the truth.

After a little while had gone by, Valerie got up to go use the bathroom, and also to just take a little breather. Her and Rory hadn't spoken a word the entire time. She locked the bathroom door behind her and sat against the sink, sighing to herself. She shouldn't have asked Rory to turn her. It was random and stupid.

A knock on the door made her jump.


"Val, it's me Rory. Can I come in?"

Valerie hesitated before unlocking the door and letting him inside. "What do you want?" Rory feigned a hurt expression. "Easy, easy. I was just coming to check on you, that's all." He sounded genuine and Val crossed her arms. "Okay."

"Listen, about earlier, I didn't mean to be rude, trust me. I was just kinda shocked you asked that, and didn't know what to say-" Valerie cut him off in the middle of his apology. "It's fine." Rory ignored this and continued. "I wasn't expecting you to ask something like that, especially asking me that, and I guess I came off in a rude way or something and-" "Rory shut up!"

Without a second passing after Valerie said that, her lips were on his.

She felt Rory lean back a little at first, surprised as to what she had just did, and what was happening, and then he melted into it and kissed her back. A few seconds later, she pulled away. "I figured that would shut you up."

The vampire, now filled with excitement, began to float off the ground, looking like a love drunk puppy. Valerie rolled her eyes slightly.

"You kissed me," Rory said in a dreamy voice, his grin stretching from ear to ear. Valerie placed her hands on his shoulders, pulling him back down to the ground. "Yeah, I had to. You wouldn't shut up."

A smirk formed on Rory's face. "How about I don't shut up again?"

Valerie crossed her arms, giving a teasing look. "Not a chance, Ror."

Rory looked at her with pleading eyes, being able to break her with just a look. Valerie felt a warm sensation spread through her body and she gave in, leaning into him and picking up where that first kiss had left off.

This second kiss was different; it had more of a passion to it, a needing feeling, like their lips touching set each other on fire.  It came so naturally to them, as if it was destined to happen at any point. Valerie felt Rory's hands snake around her waist, pulling her in closer so that their bodies were pressed against each other. Somehow, this didn't feel close enough, and Val wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers running through the end of his hair. She felt her back press against the bathroom counter, and felt an absence where Rory's lips had been, and was about to say something when she felt the contact reappear, but with his lips on her neck. This sent a flood of emotions through her body.

Rory left a trail of kisses down her neck, not saying a word as he did so. There didn't even need to be any words spoken, the two's actions spoke for them.

The crazed vampire felt a sudden feeling, like a craving, a craving for her blood in which he had tasted earlier. He could feel and hear her heartbeat, and his breathing quickened. Rory felt his fangs starting to emerge, and find their way back to her neck, hovering right over her pulse. Valerie felt the sharp teeth connect lightly with the tender spot on her neck, and she let out a small gasp, grasping Rory's hair in her hands. Her heartbeat sped up, something that Rory heard.

He realized how far he was going and leaned back, looking up at Valerie with golden eyes. He looked at her as if waiting for approval, and when she nodded, he leaned back in and let his fangs connect with that pulsing spot on her neck, sinking them into her without a second more of hesitation.

Valerie had just been turned.

Fangs And Flings ━ Rory Keaner.Where stories live. Discover now