Teach Me How To Love

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Teach Me How To Love

Cheryl's friends recommended her to go to this place once she told them she's never had an orgasm. They told if she goes she won't be disappointed. So she signed up for an appointment with someone who could help her.

"I can't believe you just told me that" Kailee said and her other sat in disbelief as well

"There's a place I want you to go to, you just have fill out an application"

Cheryl filled out each question in fornt of her friends

"It just asked me what are my kinks"

"Apparently you don't have any, Cheryl I can't believe you've never had an orgasm, you are twenty three"

"No one has ever made me cum not even myself, it's going to take miracle I guess"

Cheryl walked inside the place and was left completely speechless, it was so fancy in there

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" The woman at the front desk asked

"Yes" Cheryl simply said

"Who did they recommend when you signed up and said your problem?" The woman asked

"Dr. Topaz" Cheryl said and the woman smiled

"Oh, Toni. You're in good hands"

The woman told her to have a seat and Toni would be ready for her soon. After a few minutes of waiting she told her to go upstairs and someone would lead her to Toni's room.

"Who are you looking for?" A man in a suit asked

"Toni" Cheryl responded and he smiled before pointing her in that direction

Cheryl knocked on the door and a voice told her to come in

"Hello, you must be Cheryl Blossom"

"Yes, ma'am"

"Alright, I'm Toni, you can have a seat right there."

Cheryl sat down and waited for further instruction

"So, while reading your application, what stood out to me was when you said you've never made yourself cum"

"I can understand if another person has never made you cum but yourself is hard to believe." She added and Cheryl laughed

"I don't every time I tried it never really worked out. The pleasure would only last for a few a seconds and I could never get it back" Cheryl said and Toni nodded

"So, talking to my other patients, a lot of them say they can't cum when they masturbate, but they only lacked minor things while doing it. So, I'm going to ask if you know where your clit is?" Toni asked and Cheryl blushed

"Of course, I know where my clit is" Cheryl said with a light laugh

"You wouldn't believe how many women and men come in here and don't know where the clit is" Toni said laughing

Toni asked her a few more questions about herself before she started asking more sexual questions

"Porn, what type do you watch?" Toni asked and Cheryl shook her head

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