Playing Games

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"Baby Ive missed you." Cheryl said to Toni as she kissed her

Toni sat at her desk playing a video game that Cheryl knew nothing about.

"Teach me." Cheryl sat on Toni's lap

Toni smiled, "I've missed you too but baby what are you trying to get into right now?"

"The game dummy." Cheryl said innocently

Toni shook her head and handed Cheryl the controller. Toni taught her a few things and Cheryl started to get it.

"Good job baby."

"Guys my girl is playing so don't mind anything she does." Toni said and Cheryl slapped her arm

"What. You just know how to shoot that's not enough."

"So teach me, tell me what to do." Cheryl seductively

"Alright, guys give me a sec." Toni said before muting

Cheryl started grinding on Toni to pleasure herself, "Touch me"

"Where?" Toni said trying to frustrate her

Cheryl took Toni's hand and put it on her pussy and started riding Toni's hand through her shorts

"Right here."

"Go lay down on the bed." Toni demanded

Cheryl wined and laid her head in Toni's neck, "I want you right here, put your fingers inside of me."

"No, look at me." Toni grabbed Cheryl's face and forced her eyes on her

"Get on the bed." Cheryl shivered before getting up and laying on bed

"Rub your pussy through your shorts" Toni added and Cheryl did immediately

"Does it feel good?" Toni asked and Cheryl nodded

Toni walked up to Cheryl and wrapped her hand around her neck, "My pretty girl."

Cheryl fell into the pleasure her girlfriend was giving her. Her eyes closed and her mouth fell open.

"Are you my pretty girl?" Toni asked sliding her thumb into Cheryl's mouth

Cheryl opened her eyes and started sucking on the thumb in her mouth while she rode her own fingers.

"Slut." Toni said before lightly slapping Cheryl and caressing the spot with her wet thumb

"Can you please touch me now?" Cheryl begged as Toni played with Cheryl's red hair

Toni pulled on it a bit causing Cheryl to gasp, "You're going to be my good girl and take it?"

"Yes ma'am."

Toni ripped every piece clothing Cheryl had
on leaving the girl gasping for air, "So fucking pretty."

Toni was still standing while Cheryl sat on the edge of the bed. Toni loved towering over her girlfriend. Made her feel more in control.

"Please?" Cheryl pleaded and Toni leaned down to kiss her girlfriend

Cheryl held on to Toni's arm as the kiss got intense and Toni moved the same arm down to Cheryl's center to enter to fingers.

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