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{in which: they
almost seal the deal}


Reagan and Alex were still awake in the living room. Karl was passed out on the reclining seat as the credits rolled for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Reagan wouldn't admit it but she was in tears as the movie ended, "that ones definitely one of my favorites," alex laughed as he stood up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" reagan asked, watching as he walked towards his keys. "I like to drive reggie, would you wanna join me?" for once the boy didn't have his beanie on, reagan still genuinely wasn't used to it, but watched as he ran his hair through his dark hair, that was hardly long.

"I'll come yeah," she got up from the couch, walking over to karl she covered him completely with the blanket she was using, and walked over to alex who was unlocking the door. "You don't have a key?" she questioned as they walked out of the house, he bent down and picked up the key from under the door mat.

"I'm not dumb," he teased, locking the door he turned around to see reagan, he wrapped his arm around her and they headed to the rental car that alex had. She moved closer to him as they walked down the path.

He opened the door for her before heading over to his side and started the car. "Where are we going?" she asked again, looking over at him as he put the car into drive. "When I drive si don't really have a set destination reg, i just drive until i want to go home," he looked over at her for a second and back out to the open road.

"But you don't know this place?" she laid back, and rested her head on the head rest and watched as he drove aimlessly.


I Just Called You To Say I Loved You by Stevie Wonder played as reagan slept peacefully and alex was now driving aimlessly on the highway, taking in the unfamiliar setting but keeping karl's address nearby. He hummed the peaceful song while tapping the driving wheel.

It was beautiful to him, the stars that shined brighter in north carolina then they ever would in california and it was one of the many things he enjoyed about traveling, the new scenery he got to discover. He wouldn't have wanted to be spending his birthday any of other way.

The song transitioned to Ghost Town by Kanye as the song began to rise on the horizon. He heard a faint yawn and looked over to reagan who was stretching her arms over her head. She blinked quite a few times before they adjusted to the sunlight. "Good morning," alex laughed as he pulled into a nearby parking lot.

"We're still on the road?" she asked, sitting up in her seat. "Yeah, headed back right now, just wanted to wash the sun rise," he pointed straight forward to the sun that was still rising. "Cute," she looked out through the windshield and took in the sun rise.

Alex turned off all the music and simply stared into the sight. "It's nice isn't it," he looked over at her as she stared outside. "They are always nice, no matter where you are the sunlight is always enjoyable," she stated, not taking her eyes off the outside as the sky looked a shade of pink, mixed with orange.

The two looked at each other, the eye contact wasn't thrown off this time, but all reagan could see her doing was getting lost in his simple gaze, his brown eyes taking hold of hers. The feeling was reciprocated by alex who was lost in her gaze, the music on his phone began playing, it was a chill melody that he could only assume was from his biking playlist.

Reagan couldn't take her eyes off his, but couldn't tell if she wanted to move closer to him, but she noticed as he did, his hand raising from the steering wheel. The two moved closer together, their faces inches apart as his hand was on her cheek.

For what seemed to be an inch apart they both felt like the time was right. He smiled and as they went on to close the space between them. A large honk interrupted, making the two jump out of their skin and separate never fulfilling the kiss.

Alex rubbed his hand on the back of his head from hitting it on the ceiling. "What was that?" he asked, turning around to look through the window. A cop car stood parked behind. "What did we do?" alex quickly looked around at his surroundings and grabbed his licenses and the registration for the rental.

Reagan sat back, brushing off whatever happened between them and sitting up right waiting for the cop to approach the car. "Don't say anything and keep your hands visible," alex insisted looking at reagan, she simply nodded and put her hands onto her lap.

"It's not that serious alex," she muttered. "You always have to be safe," he replied, rolling down the window. The cop approached, "Good morning sir, you're aware of the no parking sign," the man pointed over to the sign that clearly stated that alex wasn't supposed to be parked where he was between 5 and 7 am.

"I'm so sorry," he looked over at reagan and the two began laughing, "i'm not from around here, that was my fault," alex laughed handing over the license and registration. "What are two california folk doing in north carolina?" the cop laughed handing back the information.

"Visiting a friend," reagan spoke up. "Well i'm not gonna keep you two waiting, don't let this happen again or you might be fined, have a good day," the cop waved a goodbye and walked away.

Alex immediately started the car, and began to pull out. "Are we gonna talk about," reagan signaled her hands to show where they almost kissed, "that, are we gonna talk about whatever that was?" she finished her sentence, waiting for a reply. Alex looked over at her, "no it's okay, it'll figure itself out," he said with smug confidence.

"It always does with you alex," she laughed thinking about how their argument sorted itself out. Thinking about how the two could hardly go days without speaking to each other.

The energy around them was different, like a point was reached between the two that they knew was there from the beginning. Ever since she chose to sit next to him, and get to know him and let him invade her life faster then anyone else, but as she looked over at him, one arm resting and the other on the wheel, something in her knew that he was supposed to be there.


reagan🧚🏼‍♀️|reaganramriezi'd like for you and i to goromancin'

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i'd like for you and i to go


7am sunrise😍🤘

it's actually like
12pm here in london

this man is dumb

say the word your wish is
my command

write my letter feel much
better :)


author speaks:
upload while i watch
iron man 3.

who's your favorite
marvel character?

the next chapter
will prob be new years
and then them going home

also should they get
together soon🙄

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