Chapter One

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•Willow's POV•

I threw on my purple converse and grabbed my bag before running out of my door.

"Bye mom!" I shouted to my mother, who was outside in the small garden she keeps up with.

I hear her mumble a "bye sweetie," before going back to work. If I didn't hurry I would be late for class- again. My alarm hadn't gone off. So that brings us to where we are now, with me running down the street in an Avengers tank top and skinny jeans with my bag flopping around my back. I turned a corner and ran into Annabeth.

"Hey! Watch where you're- Oh HAI WILLOW!" She yelled, rather loudly, into my face.

"Gosh Anna, say it, don't spray it!" I rolled my eyes. Annabeth had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. We met in pre-school. She had shoulder-length, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Avengers?" She asked, gesturing to my shirt.

"Yeah. It's the only thing I had." She laughed, then said

"We should probably get going...We're already late for first period."

"WHAT THE FLUFF?!" I yelled. Before she could say anything, I grabbed her wrist and ran in the direction of the school.

•3rd person POV•

The Doctor walked around the console, looking sad. He had just lost Amy and Rory, after all. Not knowing what to do, he stood up straighter, fixed his bow tie, and started the TARDIS. A trip to earth couldn't hurt, could it?

•Back To Willows POV as Six Hours Later•

"Willow, what did you do this time?"

Annabeth asked when I walked out of the office.

"Someone pissed me off. So I showed them what was what."

She sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"If you keep getting in fights, Willow Grace Smith, I'm gonna-" she was cut off by me punching her in the arm.

"Ow! Hey!"

I mumbled "Shut up Anna," before walking to my locker. Of course, being my best friend, that didn't stop her. Sigh.

"Must you follow me everywhere?"

"Yes. As your best friend it's my job. And I have to make sure you don't, like, rip the world apart or something." She said. I rolled my eyes, but smiled at her. It was impossible to stay mad at someone like Anna.

I took one last look in the mirror in my locker, fixing my plain brown hair a bit before slamming it shut. We left the school, and started the ten-block walk to our houses. We live next door to each other. Her little sister, Meghan, was a total prep. She always had sugary pop music playing, loud enough that I could hear it through the window in my room.

"Will? Willowwww? Earth to Willow!" Annabeth said, pulling me out of my thoughts...mainly of the pizza and Netflix-filled weekend I had planned.

"Huh? What?" How's that for silver-tongued wit, eh? I saw her roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Are you listening to ANYTHING I'm saying?"


I saw her give me a...choice gesture...before repeating her self.

"A new season of Doctor Who comes on tomorrow. Would you like to come over and watch it with me?" Great. She's been trying to get me to watch that 'Doctor Who' show since she found it (Season 1). I don't get the point of it.

" a British TV show that I have no interest in at all, or stay at my house and watch Avengers? I think I'll take the latter."

She sighed.
"Why don't you just give it a chance?"

"Because..." I waved my hands around searching for an answer.

"Whatever, Smith." She smiled and turned to go to her house.
"See you on the flip side!" I yelled. She laughed before taking out her key and unlocking the door.

She walked into her house, leaving me alone on the street. Well, almost alone. There was a man with floppy-ish, brown hair a little ways down the road. He was wearing a tweed jacket, and...a bowtie? I was about to walk up the stairs to my house, and if I hadn't turned around I wouldn't have seen it.

He was looking straight at me.

"Willow..." I heard him say quietly.
'A Brit? In Virginia?' I thought.

" I know you?"

His eyes widened.

" I-I have to go..." With that, the strange man took off down the street. I looked after him for a moment, before going into my house.

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