Chapter 8

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((Sorry guys. A very very short update that kinda sucks. I haven't proofread it yet but I'm ready to get it up already so here Ya go))

••Willow's POV••

I woke up strapped down to a cold metal table. "Oh great. Just fantastic!" Why did everything happen to me?

A cold voice answered me. "Oh, you've woken up...," it hissed, right by my ear. My eyes widened. "Who are you?" I asked, trying to turn my head to see him. Needless to say, I obviously couldn't. They're smarter than that. My head was strapped down also.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm your worst nightmare," he answered.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, first of all that is really cliche-" that comment earned me a slap. "And secondly, I highly doubt you're my 'worst nightmare' if you have to strap me down to keep me restrained." That earned me yet another slap. He needs to learn some better punishments.

"Shut up! You foolish girl! Do you not know who I am?!" He asked, incredulous.

"Nope," I answered, popping the 'P'. "But I'd love for you to tell me."

He growled (yes folks, growled) at me. "I happen to be the leader of this...fine establishment." I laughed at that. "Fine establishment? More like underground garbage dump!" I let out an 'oof!' as he punched me. Three times. In the gut. Hard.

"Ouch! Tough crowd." The man looked ready to kill me. Haha, I'd like to see him try! "It's a shame we need you alive. Otherwise I promise I'd have ripped you to shreds by now!" The man moved in front of me, so I could see him. He had seven fingers on each hand, like the other aliens. He had the same tattoo, also. About six, maybe seven feet tall, with dark, dirty hair. His eyes are what got me. Unlike the other Possessed Alien People, his eyes were blood red. Completely. He didn't have a pupil, as far as I could tell.

That's...legitimately scary...

The man smiled. "You have a right to be afraid..." I smirked. "Me? Afraid of you?"

He pulled something out of his pocket, a little box with a blue button on in. He smiled, his sharp teeth showing white. "Now, you can tell me what I want to know, or..." He pushed the button and electricity coursed through my body. I must've screamed, but I don't remember it (and also won't admit it to anyone). "You'll get a bit of a shock, understood?"

I nodded. What could he possibly want to know?

I got my answer. "Now, my dear Time Lady, where's the Doctor?"

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