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Top close his ocean blue eyes before calling his Familiar. A bright green-blue light materialize, as the light fades out a beautiful girl with light blue hair appeared, but even if the girl is alluring in ones eye the aura she's emitting showed distain and annoyance to the mortal that called her.

(Clearly...... You do have a death wish....do you)

A sexy matured voice of a woman was heard with a hint of anger but the human standing in front of her was too broken to show terror to her words. She glance at the young man, she saw a memory of cut head and tears, She sneered at the young man before crossing her arms to her chest.

(I don't have time to babysit an ugly being like you. State your business while I'm still nice)

"I....." Top said in low tone, his once shining eyes now helds a strong hatred and sadness. Marielle watch how the young man bit his lower lip and how it bleed. "You....want revenge....do you" Marielle spoke, the young man looks at her.

Top close his fist before glancing at Marielle. "I want revenge......I want.....no." Top shake hi head.

"I will him. I will take the throne and kill him. I'm.....going to kill Heaven"

Anger, hatred.....betrayal. Marielle knows it very well, she look at the young man who sell his soul to her that he will help her to kill her sister. She smiled.

His raging anger....those ocean blue eyes held hatred....heh....for once I think I will entertain a human.

"Very well..... I'm going to help you to open your gates....but you have to show me your power. Show me if you deserve to be on the top or your just a loser that deserve to remain at bottom." Marielle said before emitting all her trembling aura.

Top feels the gravity is pulling him by force to the ground, he looks at Marielle who's giving him a smirk.

"Show me what you got......Prince Sky"  Marielle said. He gulp before closing his eyes.

'Its now or never......Marielle.....I'm going to make you swore your loyalty even if it kills me'

"Lightning Magic: Lighting Javelins!" 

Marielle smile. "I Marielle The Sea Serpent here by to summon you.....devourer of the  souls.....AQIWER!"

The earth trembles giving way to show a huge cracks in front of Marielle stands a monster cried at Top. "T-thats...." Top utters.

"AQIWER.....A legendary Monster that devour a city called Arlington......now fight my high rank monster and I will judge you by your performance. See you later.....Master" Marielle said before disappearing.

A ringing cry was heard as Aqiwer launch its first attack. Top smile as his fear overwhelmed him but his courage was stronger than his fear.

"Bring it on!"


"He's on the track of self destruction" Erin said, watching the huge high rank monster attacks Top. "Its a good thing right, my King?" Blood asked.

Erin struggle "Who knows.....even in this distant I can feel his hatred, Its amazing how fast he open his fifth gate in a short period of time. But.....its to much...."

"Too much?"

Erin smile and a glint on his Stormy Silver eyes was showed. "Anyways.....if he keep that track, he will be a problem someday" Blood didn't catch anything at Erin words but he can sense something that he cannot point out.

"Afterall.....I was same like him before..." Erin utters before smiling a close eyes one at Blood who's totally lost right now.

"So how was doing with Aris....any sign that he will sell his friend?" Erin said in a jolly tone. Blood adjusted his glasses before clearing his throat.

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