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"Gather all your mana then place it in your hands....do you feel the warm sensation" ask by Matilda, I nodded.

"Good. Isipin mo ang bagay na gusto mong gawin...use your imagination to make it" she said again. I can feel my sweat slowy going down on my cheeks. Then a very thin light sparks in my right hand. Napatingin ako sa kanya ng bigla na lang nya ako hinampas ng walis nya! Dahilan para mawala ang focus ko sa ginagawa ko

"The freak you doing! Old hag!" I hissed at her, I lower my right hand then glare at her

"Don't lose your focus Brat! Ano sa tingin mo hihintayin ng kalaban na mayari ka sa paggamit ng creation magic mo? You have to fight me while creating Brat!" she yelled, I bit my lower lip.

"but! Ah" I gasped when she suddenly attacks me I dodge her every attacks "Create something brat!" she hissed at me, I clicked my tongue.

Its been days when I started to practice my magic, one thing is I learn about my Creation magic the smaller the object the faster you can make it.

I focus my mana within me then gathered it through my hands.. While I'm dodging her attacts, Darn it I can't even attack her while creating!

"Puro iwas na lang ba ang gagawin mo?" she said then laugh maniacaly, I gritted my teeth in annoyance. She swing her damn broom at me I jump back then kick her hand who is holding her broom, the broom fell down. I took a chance to finish my creation.

Almost there just a little bit further...

Matilda cast a spell that makes the ground tremble, then a spikey rocks suddenly appears making its way to me I jump to the side. I closed my right hands I launch my first attack on Matilda I try to kick her face but she easily dodge it just like I thought to be, she was about to look at me when I throw her face the glitters I made.

She open her eyes then a step a back she caressing her eyes. I put my hands above.

Almost there!

"You brat!" she angrily said. She was about to attack me again and my creation finally done! Really? making this big creation is draining my mana, but its totally worth it~

"Cage!" I said then closed my right hands, Matilda instictively look above her then she saw a big Cage that going to fall before her. She scream in terror to the thought that she's being crashed! She closed her eyes.

"Heh made it" a soft and gentle voice of a woman said that made Matilda open her eyes. Her eyes was wide open while her lips was slightly parted. She was amaze on how big the cage is. Then she suddenly look at the brunette brat that was laying on the ground while catching its own breath.

"Don't tell me you started to create this when I said you have to fight me while you create something" Matilda said in amuzed.

"Yes..ughh I feel so drain~" said by Samantha in sing song tone, Matilda shake her head while amazed was still written on her face.

Of course she will feel so drain this big creation consumes more mana, its normal to feel so drain.

"You bright as ever, you used your self as a distraction so I won't notice your big trap to me. Those sparkly thing is also a distraction for me to think that it was the one you created. Am I right" Matilda said while nodding to herself.

"Yeah it was..." said by Samantha she stand up then shake off all dirt on her pants. "Its not easy as you think old hag...dodging your attacks while keeping my concentration on creating the cage is hard...but I think if I practice more often I will be able to do both fighting while creating" for the first time Matilda smile because of what the brat said, she knows if the Brat keep practicing there's no doubt that she will be able to do both easily. The brat excell in swordmanship and close combat combining her creation and liquid  magic will make her undefeatable.

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