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Samantha just glance on the window behide her as the carriage shake her body to left and right because of the rocky road. In front of her is Katalina who is reading book about her Earth magic, beside her is Deon who is always stealing some gazes from her.

She took a deep breath, she still don't believe on how a simple introducing yourself can make you have an instant so called friend. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, that word makes her sick, every time she heard that word she remember a certain person, Lily the bitch.

There on their way to the Golden Academy that is place in the center of Vanumous forest, many monsters was staring at their carriage but no one dared to attack because of a trembling aura inside the carriage coming from sweet Samantha said by Deon him self.

Samantha smirks on the thought that the Academy is place in the middle of a forest, like seriously? Samantha grabs the white orb on her coat. The orb has been awfully silent ever since the incident when she first came in Dandelion Kingdom.

Their been traveling for almost two and a half hours from now. You must be wandering on how Samantha end up in the same group with Katalina and Deon?

Well Deon used his father connection to know where Samantha rented inn, about Katalina being on the same carriage with them is, he find that Samantha may not come if there's only them on the carriage so he invited Katalina too.

After all their are childhood friend. Katalina is a daughter of Baron and Baroness. He knew her for almost 18 and half of his life, but they barely talk to each other.

The carriage stop in front of silver large gate. They come down, Samantha glance at the big gate in front of her, on top of the silver gate there's a huge letterings saying Golden Academy.

"Woah~" said by Katalina and Deon in unison, Samantha glance at the two who is currently staring at each other.

"Students do you have your badges the one that Mr. Neil gaves after the exam" said by the driver to us, the two is busy in looking in different directions away from each others gaze, so the one that answer the driver was Samantha.

"Yes...is this is the one your talking about Sir?" She ask, the driver nods and instruct her to place the badge on the crystal lock on the gate, Samantha walks her way to the gate that made the two teen to look at her, she place her badge on the crystal lock and its suddenly opens. Samantha was amazed. Actually sometimes she forgets that she is now living in magical world.

"Woah~" said again the two this time Katalina rolled her eyes in annoyance. She always knew Deon but they never approach each other even when their are kids, when they encounter each other, they will only smile at each other and thats all, nothing more. But her father suddenly told her after the exam that she have a fiance! Which is Deon obviously!

Even Deon was shocked on the sudden announcement of his father after the exam is over.

Samantha didn't notice the tension between the two, because she is busy looking at the white orb who is showing an arrow ahead, inside the Academy. After so many days without leads the orb finally reacts!

She was about to run and find the lost Prince when a pair of different hands held her right and left arm, that made her turn around and there she saw the two who is looking at each other intensively.

"Umm...Shall we back to the carriage?" she tired herself not to speak mean because of frustration.

Natauhan naman ang dalawa bago tumango sa kanya, pumasok sila sa karwahe pagpasok sa loob ng malaking bakuran ng Akademya ay maraming estuyante ang nagkalat sa malaking damuhang bakuran nito, siguro mga bagong estuyante kagaya nila.

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