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"Close your eyes and feel what your hearts say..." she said but its not totally helping me! I'm drifting to sleep, is meditation can really help me to be in my Imaginary realm? Ugh.

"Its is not helping..." reklamo ko kay Matilda, And then a stick suddenly hits my head. I open my eyes then gave her a death glare.

"FOCUS!" she yelled at me. Pinanliitan ko sya ng mata bago ko uli isara ang mga mata ko.

"Samantha...you have to let you feelings to open your first gate...the first gate is connected to your past...let your memories flow like a river..."

"And you will find your gate..."

Inis kong binukas ang mga mata ko. "Old hag! This is....not...helping..at all~"

"Old hag?"

"Matilda?" I said while turning around but nothing to see its just pure large white place and I'm the only one in here...

Then a sudden thought hit me.

"This is my...Imaginary realm..." I said in awe then a blinding light made me close my eyes and the moment I open my eyes. My heart skip a beat.

*Insert horning cars*

*smokes from street vendors*

*some couples having a date*

Samantha smile, this is her original world. She walks in her Imaginary realm like she just having a simple walk, way back in her original world. Who would thought that the smoke made by cars can make her smile.

Dati dati inis na inis sa mga usok na inubuga nito ngayon hindi maalis alis ang ngiti sa labi nya, it feels surreal.

She halted when she sees a young boy smiling at her, its emerald eyes was similar to hers, its pitch black hair that she loved to jumbled back then.

Her heart is skipping a beat, her eyes became watery.. She knows this boy.. Her lips were trembling her hands was trembling.

She slowy making her way to the boy who is smiling at her now, then her slow walks became fast, then she halted in front of the boy who tilted his head at her.

Napalunok si Samantha pinipigilan nya na tumulo ang nagbabadyang luha sa mga mata nya, huminga sya ng malalim bago nya banggitin ang pangalan nito.

"Sean..." She said with full of hope that the boy in front of her will response.

"Thats me? Big Sister"

Samantha smiles then grabs the boy then hug him tightly, yes she was crying...its really him! Her brother...her beloved brother.

Then she suddenly realize that her brother dies how come? She can held him into a tight hug? And why he is small?

Imaginary realm

She slowy let go of the kid then she sadly stare at his emerald eyes. "Your...your..not real" she helplessly said all her hopes suddenly disappeared.

"I'm sorry if I'm not the person you wanted to see big sis..." the kid said to her while wiping her tears, she held his small hands then said in almost whisper.

"I-i missed you so much...Sean...so much" she said between her sobs. How can she forget the last minutes of her brother in her arms...his full of life eyes was drown into vagueness...his hurt but not because of his wounds but because the girl he loves was the one did that to him.

The young boy smile at her then hugs her again. "I'm sorry for leaving you...Big Sis..but I'm glad that I still live..." The young Sean said that made Samantha knitthebrows because of what the young boy said.

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