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"Ever since the attempt assassination of one of our student here in Golden Academy. We tighten our security even further. We promise that the none of this will happen in the future. Have a nice day" said by old man Calom in the stage Calming the scared students, the news about the second rank student fighting a dangerous assassin has spread rapidly, even Calom himself can stop the news from spreading.

On the other hand Samantha is not convinced that it will not happen again.

But she just shrug it over then walks away, the orb will not help her to find she was searching for but it do gave her a hint were to find the guy. She just have to find a girl named Wendy.

"Sigurado ka bang okay ka na" tanong ni Katalina kay Samantha habang naglalakad sila papunta sa kani-kanilang silid aralan.

"Hmm...okay na ko Katalina. Thanks for your concern" Sabi ni Samantha sabay ngiti kay Katalina na kinapula naman nito.

Kahit ilang beses nya makita ang ngiting iyon ay hindi sya masanay-sanay.

"Sam, alam mo na bang kasama ka opening ceremony sa pagdating ng Crowned Prince?" pagiiba ng usapan ni Katalina. Tumango naman si Sam (nickname na bigay nina Lina short for Katalina)

"Hey Lina, do you know any girl named Wendy?" Sam said while giving Lina a bright smile.

Mabilis namang napatango si Lina. "Oo! She's our Muse! Are fond of hers too?" Lina said as her eyes glimmers at Sam.

Samantha in short Sam just nods then smile brightly. "I'am! She's so pretty and nice everyone loves her" Sam said, stating half truth. "Oh my! Samantha look its Wendy!" Lina said then run to the swarming wave of crowd that encircling Wendy Williams inside.

Wendy smiles politely, and her white perfect teeth was seen and her deep dimples showed.

Blondie silky shining hair, golden curved eyes, while she's giving a nice amiable smile on her pinkish thin lips

Her blondie silky hair is complementing her white porcelain skin. Her aura screaming calmness and beauty.

Wendy Williams, a Princess from neighboring country of Heart Country, she's been send here to be a hostage. Erin made his investigation about this girl. Is she know about the lost Prince?

Whatever It may be, She will spill all the information she knew.


"The orb is broken, your majesty but before it broke, It give some clue, to were I can find the lost Prince" Samantha reported as she looks at the black crow who's in her study table.

"Hey Erin" Samantha said making Erin flinch on his trone.

This girl dared AGAIN to called him by his name. Erin though.

"Reaper let me remind you That I'AM YOUR KING" Erin said while annoyily smile as if Samantha can see him.

"Yeah whatever, I know that you knew who I really was" Samatha said while glancing the trembling crow as she grin, making the poor crow tremble even more.

"My~ I think I'm busted now? Aren't I?" Erin said as he grin lovingly the black magical stone called 'Majasta' its a very special and expensive magical tool that enabling any crows to deliver the sender message to the receiver.

Samantha sneered as she crossed her arms in her chest, letting the poor crow to finally relaxed. "Why'd your bringing this up now" Erin said, he know she needs something but he wants Samantha to voice it out, thou he have some clue what it was.

"I'm just a little curious. Why'd the King of Salt Kingdom is helping the runaway princess of Hatolian Kingdom" She said in very serious tone. Erin remained silent for a couple of minutes. So Samantha change the topic after all she needs him to do something.

"Anyway your highness. I need your little help to deliver something to the realm of white witches" Samantha said then stood up to open her veranda.

Erin narrowed his brows. "The realm of witches?" Erin asked, Samantha nodded as if Erin can see her. "Yes. I do tell his highness where I get the white orb if I remembered correctly" Samantha said.

Making Erin nod. "Yes you said a witch friend of yours give it to you." Erin remembered a certain scene when he first met Samantha making him smile unconsciously.

"I broke the orb. And I know I need to deliver the orb to the old hags house but I cannot escaped the tight security of the academy right now. So I need your majesty help" Samantha said.

Erin nodded. "I understand" he said. Samantha glared at the tree near in her veranda. "Show yourself now Dark" Samantha said making the jet black headed guy showed himself while scratching the back of his nape.

"Hehehe its n-nice to see you again C-captain" Dark said then lowered his head, he really thought his captain won't notice his presence! He's being very careful to watch her captain from afar.

The King ordered him to follow his Captain and he's so happy that the job belongs to him! Thou he beat Spear  ass to get this job. Dagger is scared to death to accept the mission the King's ordered. And since Samantha send Death to a very long mission she can't accept the new one. Blood wanted the mission but he can't just let the Psychos Yan and Dark along with trouble maker Spear alone with their guild.

"Oh you finally noticed Dark!" Erin exclaimed while smiling, he now imagine the annoyed face of Samantha.

Samantha just hissed then glance at Dark making the poor guy to flinch, now's his doubting why the heck he choose this mission.

"I make Dark to accompany you so don't make him suffer okay. Reaper I believe you know what you're job is" Erin said "Of course your highness" Samantha said before the crow leaves.

Dark was still in daze on what the king told 'suffer' then his image almost killed by this brunette beauty during the swords selection competition flash like river. He shiver in terror, now he wanted to go back to the guild!

"Now my dear Dark listen carefully to me. If you failed, I will hunt you down and feed your remains to the fish in Salt Kingdom" Samantha said as her emerald eyes shines as the moonlight hits her face, making her beautiful features shine even more but her aura committing a deadly one, making Dark amused and afraid for his life at the same time! If he is a Psycho! This girl is  a DEMON!


Hi there!

You may not know me so I will introduce myself!

Hi I'm Dark! Member of Seven swords I'm rank 5! And I'am my lovely and beautiful Captain's boyfriend!

(a/n: My dear baby Dark, do you wish to died?)

Of course not!

(a/n: then stop sprouting nonsense, oh and btw Reaper is behind you)



a/n: Hi there folks! I just wanted to say sorry (for not updating for almost eternity!) and thank youuuuuu very much for reading my story!

Also take care of yourselves due to the spreading pandemic, always wash your hands and wear face mask when your outside.

Lets all save our family our neighbors and our community by following the rules.

So yeah....

Sorry for not updating frequently. I hope you'll still continue to support this story of mine ≥﹏≤

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