chapter 1

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an alarm went off in my room. My eyes slowly fluttered open as I looked around my room, looking for the source of this awful sound. After a few seconds I found it and finally shut it off.

I got up and groaned (oop), I didn't want to get up but knew I had to. "GEORGE! For gods sakes get out of bed You're going to be late!!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs, I knew she was right as I walked towards the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and ruffled my hair, I splashed some water in my face and decided I didn't have to shower today. I put on some black ripped jeans and a baby blue t-shirt. I put on some blue and white converse, grabbed my keys and a breakfast bar and walked out of the door. I got in my car and drove off to work.

~heatwaves starts playing~ (hehehe)

I pulled up into work and walked inside the building, I am a waiter at a small bar, I like what I do. I quickly scanned the room and saw my best friend; Nick. "Hey man! How are you?" He spoke with a smile. I immediately lit up by the sight of my friend "Hey Snapmap! Good to see you dude, are you ready for work?" I answered. "Don't call me that Gogy! You know I don't like it, and yes, I am ready" he answered shoving my shoulder playfully. Nick his gamertag was Sapnap, so his friends got used to calling him that.

We walked into the restaurant and started working, it was a long shift. "Hey George! Its almost the end of my shift, im afraid you'll have to close up okay?" Nick yelled from out of the kitchen. "okay Sap, will do, just make sure to shut off the lights alright?" I Yelled back and sighed as I realized it was going to be another late night.


I felt my stamina run out, panting as I turned another corner. Left, right, left, right, up the building, I ran, trying to get rid of the cops behind me.

"DAMN! HOW DID YOU FUCK UP LIKE THAT, BAD?!" I yelled at my friend, his real name was Darryl, but as we got into the criminal world, he needed a cover up name. 'BadBoyHalo' is what we came up with, it wasn't as good as mine but it worked. "CMON THIS IS NOT ALL ON ME! IF I KNEW THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN I WOULD HAVE ALREADY HAD A HOSTAGE" Bad yelled back. "OH COME ON NOW, HOW HARD IS IT TO NOT LET THE ALARM GO OF?" I yelled back, felt myself getting angrier by the minute. "anyhow, it happend.." I continued, my voice went down and I sounded calm again, sending shivers down Bad's back; He was afraid of Dream, But wasn't everyone? He was 6'4 and worked out everyday, plus his muscles.. "Yeah, Im out of the team Dream. You figure it out!" bad said and he quickly walked away. 'fuck, what am I going to do?!' I Thought.

Sitting down on an old bench in the secret base we had, I was brainstorming. 'my best friend left me and now I'm getting hunted down by the cops for something he did? Damn I really fucked up..' I sighed and thought back to what he said.. 'THATS IT' I quickly stood up and put my mask back on, it was a plain white mask with a black smily face on it, it was mainly because I didn't want my face on the news after I did something bad again.

I walked outside and snooped around, trying not to be seen as I was still on the run for the police. 'I just need to find a hostage, I need someone I can threaten to kill as I leave town. I can hide out and kill them later anyways and get my escape plan started' I thought, looking around for someone weak enough to take...



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