chapter 12

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*this chapter will just be some fluff for the pleasure of reading, have fun! I love ya'll and I appreciate the reads*


After about (see no time skip! Sorry I promised my bestf I would stop those) thirty minutes we drive into the driveway of my parents house. "its going to be okay, come on" I tell Clay. He sighs and we get out of the car, walking to the door. I breathe in deeply one more time before ringing the bell. 

After a few seconds de door opens and my moms face peeks through. She immediately invites me into her arms. "George  baby! its so good to see you" She tells me. I can tell she is exited. "Hi mom! You too. This is Clay, my boyfriend" I tell her. She smiles at me and then looks up at Clay. She smiles at him too "Hello young man, treat my son well?" She asks me. "mom!" I tell her in embarrassment. "what? I saw the bruises on your neck Georgie, just wanted to make sure" She tells me. I feel a blush creep in. I look up at Clay, who is standing there, awkwardly. 

"lets go in" my mom tells us. We slowly nod and walk in. "so, tell me about yourself Clay!" My mom asks Clay. I feel him tense up at the question "I work at a small cafe near my place in Canada, I'm currently 26 (ik hes not but roll with it)" My mom nods as I look at him confused. He looks down at me and smirks. "and of course, I treat your son with nothing but love and respect" He continues. My mom seems impressed and looks at me again. 

"you did get a cutie there, How did you two meet?" She asks. I smirk at him, "well, I was working late, and he decided to show up" I spoke up, looking up at Clay. Hoping he would make up the rest. "I thought he was about the most handsome man i've ever seen, so I asked for his number" He spoke up. I look at him and my cheeks glow a bright red. "we went on a few days and started dating" I tell my mom. She looks very amused by our story. 

"Thats very romantic boys" She smiles. "well, I should help you pack up your stuff now that you're moving out huh?" She continues. I nod and look up at Clay, "lets go and pack" I told him and walked towards my room. "I'll go and pack up my clothing, can you get some of my bath products babe?" I ask. My eyes widen as I realize what I said. "Babe?" He asks, a smirk plastered across his face. His mom also looked up and smiled. "you guys are cute" She smiled. 

I smile as well, "I like that nickname, Baby" Clay said while smirking. "me too" I smile, my face glowing red. Clay leaves the room and comes back a few seconds later with my bath products. "there you go Georgie" He said. Kissing me on the cheek and putting my stuff in the suitcase. I get another suitcase for my pc and start unplugging my pc. Starting to put everything in, being very careful with the monitors. 

After about 10 minutes, I'm about done packing it. "I think we're about done now, should we have lunch and then you ~love birds~ can leave" Mom said. "sounds good" Clay said, I nodded. We walked downstairs, carrying the suitcases with us. We sat down and my mom gave us sandwiches. "eat up boys" she winks at Clay. "So, what have you guys been doing?" She asks us. 

"well, we've pretty much been working and hanging out I guess" I answer, looking at Clay, who was grinning. "yeah that's pretty much it" He answers. "you guys are pretty cute together, and I must say you are a good young man Clay" My mom says to him. "thank you ma'm" He says politely. I chuckle as he gives me an elbow to stop. I laugh even harder as he rolls his eyes. I blow a kiss to him and chuckle. 

He pulls an arm around my waist and pulls me in, he stares into my eyes. "I love you Georgie" He says with a smile. I feel a pink blush around my cheeks as we've never said this to each other like that. "I love you too Clay" I answer. He gently plants a kiss on my lips. I put my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He pulls away and smiles at me. I turn my face slightly and see my mom looking at us. I widen my eyes slightly awkward. "oh, I'm sorry. didn't mean to interrupt, I was just wondering if you guys needed a ride to the airport" She stumbles. 

"its okay ma'm. I have a car" Clay answers, smiling nicely my mom. I feel a wide smile across my face as I see him getting along with my mom. "uh we should get going Clay, we want to be on time for work tomorrow" I tell Clay. He chuckles, getting the hint. "you're right, i'll get your suitcases in the car and let you say goodbye to your mom okay?" He said, a sweet smile across his face as he got up and grabbed my suitcases. He walked out and I saw them putting them in the trunk of the car. "bye mom, it was really nice seeing you. You should come by the new place some time" I tell my mom. I give her a big hug, "defiantly, I like Clay! He is very nice and polite, and I see how happy you guys make each other, makes me proud" she spoke with a sweet tone. 


things are going really well at Georges mom. She seems to like me and we have had a good day. I put the last things in the car and walk back to the house, I walk In to George    hugging his mom. "hey baby, ready to go?" he says, as soon as he spots me. I nod and give him a kiss. "Bye mrs Davidson, it was lovely to meet you" I speak up. She smiles at me and gives me a hug "you too Clay, and please, call me Judy" (idk what her real name is lol) She tells me. I feel really glad having her like me. I feel like a weight has lifted from my shoulders as I can finally relax. 

George    and I say our goodbyes and get into the car. I drive off, one hand on Georges thigh and one on the steering wheel. "I had fun today Clay, its nice just being a couple without complications" George    tells me, he looks at me and I look back, quickly returning my gaze to the road. "I agree, And I really do love you. I loved meeting your mom" I tell him. He smiles and I squeeze his thigh tighter, not wanting to let go. 




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