Chapter 6

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I cursed under my breath as I left the room, I know I was hard on him but I needed him to listen. I walk downstairs and get in my car, driving to the bar where George works. I walk inside and greet some people.
"My boyfriend George left his phone in the breakroom yesterday, do you mind if i grab it?" I ask one of the employees. "Oh yeah totally, I didn't know George had a boyfriend?" She said. "Oh yeah, my name is Clay, We met a few days ago and hitted off instantly!" I lie. "Ohh cool man! Im Niki, nice to meet you. Just follow me to the breakroom" I smile and follow her.
She hands me the phone and I said my goodbyes. 'That was so easy' I'm thinking. I drive back to my house and as soon as I arrive, walk up to the stairs to George's room. I walk in Yet again without warning.
He was just laying in bed and looked up at me, "oh hey Clay" He mumbled, I could hear he was upset by the way I talked to him this morning. "Hey, I got your phone from your work, I need you to text your boss, friends and family about what we discussed earlier okay? Oh and Niki already knows." He looks at me confused "you spoke to Niki?" He asks. "Oh yeah, I asked her for your phone, very nice girl.." I answer. "Oh okay", I hand him the phone and pull out my gun, his eyes widen and he looks at me scared. "If you alarm them in any way, I will kill you make no doubt about it" I spoke with a harsh tone, It hurts me to have to do this since I really do like him. "Okay" he unlocks his phone and starts crafting a text.

'Hi there! Im going to go on a vacation to get away from everything. I really need some space right now, my boyfriend is coming with me and I will put his number here:
You can text or call that number if something is wrong, since my phone will be shut off'

"Perfect, good boy" I tell him, seeing his cheeks glow pink at the praise. Now come with me, I walk away from his bed expecting him to follow me, he did'nt. "Clay, I... I cant walk" He stumbled nervously. I chuckle, "alright then" I say.
~knok knok~
"Thats the maid with your stuff" I say, opening the door. "Hi dorthy, thankyou so much. You can just put it in the jet, on second thought" I tell her. She sighs and walks away. "Okay lets get moving" I tell George and walk towards him, I scoop him of the bed and carry him out. I walk through the hallway and walk down the stairs, George is not heavy at all and I can smell his nice scent. 'Gosh can he be more perfect?' I think by myself.

We reach the door and I see my friend, already there. "Hey bad, im sorry about earlier.." I start. "Its okay dream, we were both angry and afraid" Bad replied, he looked at George in his arms and pulled a confused look at clay. "This is George, my hostage" I state. "I see, Um so clay, Cant your hostage walk by himself?" Bad asks. I smirk and look down at George who is getting red. "See Darryl, He was able to walk earlier last night, but I went a little too hard on him. He should be fine later though" I tell Bad with a smirk.
George puts his head in my chest in embarrassment, Bad takes a second but eventually he realized what his friend means. "Oh, OH" he said, looks from me to George and lets out a laugh "You disgust me sometimes" he states and walks away.
"Sorry gogy" I say and start laughing, "I didn't mean for you to be embarrassed " George rolls his eyes and lets me take him to the jet.
~time skip to in the jet~


Clay puts george down on a seat, grabbing his wrists and cuffing them behind his chair, he smirks, "do you like that baby?~" He whispers into his ear. George feels himself getting red, he clears his throat, "don't you trust me enough to let me sit freely?" He asks Clay, "Hmm maybe, just like it better like this, I can do whatever I want with you~" Clay says, tying his feet to the chair as well, leaving George stunned.
He looked away in embarrassment as Bad was in the same room, reading a book. "Get some rest George, I need you to walk when we land. I cant keep carrying you around" Dream said with a soft tone. George was ready for pay back, "If you need me to walk, maybe don't fuck me so hard next time" He says, Bad spat out his drink and starts coughing, he did not expect that. "Aww Georgie, don't you remember begging me to? What was it you said?" George started blushing a bright red "~deeper clay!~ ~AhH RigHt TheRe!~" Clay mimics Georges moans from last night, bad chocked on his water again. "Don't test me George, Or have you forgotten?" Clay says, leaving George speechless.
"What the muffin clay!" Bad yelled, standing up and walking up to another room in the insanely big jet.

Clay starts laughing and stands up, "seriously? You are such a dick" George yells, he couldn't believe he actually did that. Clay looks back at George with a serious look on his face. "Don't you give me attitude George, you know what happens if you do" George was shocked and started stuttering, " sorry.." he stumbled. Clay pulled out a knife and put it to Georges throat, "listen George, You have quite some balls saying that to me. But it ends now, you hear me? Just because I like you, does not mean you are not my hostage. The only time you can go against me, is when I ask for consent, then, and ONLY then, you can feel free to tell me to stop. Other than that, you Never EVER talk to me like that again or there will be it?" Clay spoke with a harsh tone, looking directly into Georges eyes. "Yes.. sorry" He stumbled. "Good, now get rest" Clay said as he stood up and walked away, leaving George flustered once again.

I walked away, feeling powerful. "Hey bad, sorry for that" I chuckled and walked towards bad. "Its okay Dream, I just don't like it when people swear. You do seem to really like That George dude" He spoke. I felt my cheeks glow pink and looked at bad "I do, he is awesome. I just can't have him be difficult or the whole plan will fail.." I replied. "I get that Clay, but I also know you don't want to lose him. Just don't let this criminal shit get in the way" He said. I knew he was right, "thanks Darryl, you've always been a true friend, now if you don't mind, I have to fix something" Clay replied as he walked off.


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