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Ve: airport?..but i didn't bring any of my clothes with me
Erik: and?
Ve: and i am in my uniform? hello? erik i look silly everybody will laugh at me
Erik: darling first of all i will beat every each and one of them who will laugh at you, second of all we are flying with my private jet so nobody will see you and last but not least i think buying you a whole new closet wont be a problem unless you only want your clothes than i will send one of my man to bring them here.
Ve: nope i will just stick with new clothes no need to make your man do another job
Erik: oh yes yes ofcourse you are thinking about my man what a kind person you are
Ve: i know right? ;))
Erik: okay here we are, tony come here!
Tony: yes boss how can i help you
Erik: tony this is my wife well soon to be wife ve or venus you may call her

Tony as i can see is Eriks right hand but damn he doesnt look bad himself either if i saw him on just a usual day i would think he is a very wealthy businessman who's into mafia and that kind of shit. talking about businessman's and mafia why didnt i ask erik from where does he have so much money, i mean he offered me 60k just for a fake wedding which will last only one month. 60k FOR A FAKE VOWS? HOW RICH SHOULD YOU BE TO SPEND THAT MUCH MONEY ON A THING LIKE THIS?!! and why is this whole act so important to him. meh i will just ask him today..

Tony: oh wife?..
Erik: yes tony my wife
Tony: nice to meet you ve my name is Tony, tony marrino
Ve: nice to meet you too tony
Erik: is the jet ready?
Tony: yes its waiting for us
Erik: then lets go
Tony: sure
Ve: i am kinda scared..
Tony: why is everything okay?
Ve: yes yes i just. i have never been on a jet before
Tony: its not that scary trust me but if you are still scared we will all be there so dont be anxious okay?
Ve: mhm okay
Ve: Coming!! .. wait erik!
Erik: yes darling
Ve: lets film this journey!! smile erik and wave to the camera
Erik: what are we in TV LAND?
Erik: hellloooo everybody out there in tv land!

 wait erik!Erik: yes darling Ve: lets film this journey!! smile erik and wave to the camera Erik: what are we in TV LAND? Ve: SMILE NOW Erik: hellloooo everybody out there in tv land!

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Tony: this girl already has you wrapped around her fingers brother.
Erik: oh lord..
Ve: stop gossiping about me and lets go boys

I am not going to lie ,those first few seconds the plane took off i was scared, so scared that i took eriks hand unconsciously and squeezed it so hard that he started bleeding but he didnt say a word..oh god he is so cute..maybe if we met in another situation we would really fall for eachother and even get married?..stop daydreaming Ve you are only here for the money than you will shake hands and say goodbye.

stop daydreaming Ve you are only here for the money than you will shake hands and say goodbye

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Erik: hey hey you alright ?
Ve: i am so sorry...oh my god you are bleeding i-um i am so sorry i am just too scared of flying
Erik: shh shh no need to apologize its okay really its okay..look, look outside
Ve: i cant..
Erik: come on lets do it together..look how beautiful the view is
Ve: wow its breathtaking ...where are we erik

Erik: cuba darling , have you even been to cuba? Ve: no no never actually

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Erik: cuba darling , have you even been to cuba?
Ve: no no never actually..why cuba?
Erik: thats where i am from, my father actually but then he came to america, became a successful businessman and bought a house in cuba, you know america is great but your country is something else. are you from america?
Ve: yes i have lived in beverly hills my whole life but my mom is from Peru actually well she was..
Erik: i am so sorry...i am sorry for your loss Ve
Ve: please lets talk about this another time..lets just um lets just adore the view, how long till we land?
Tony: 5 minutes actually lets get ready

When we landed and got out of the jet, there were about 10 black jeeps waiting for us i really felt like a girl from some story who accidentally falls in love with mafia boss and everybody adores her, you know usual sane love stories but there was nothing sane about my story.

When we landed and got out of the jet, there were about 10 black jeeps waiting for us i really felt like a girl from some story who accidentally falls in love with mafia boss and everybody adores her, you know usual sane love stories but there was...

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