Like you do

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Erik: ve it was my mother who scared THE HELL OUT OF ME
Kitty: sorry darling i didn't want to wake you up..
Ve: kitty how are you?! i missed you so much plus you look stunning where are you going?
Kitty: i missed my beautiful daughter too and we are going together darling

Hearing kitty call me daughter warmed my heart..she really is like a mother to me, one of the worst things that will hurt me after this rented wedding ends is to leave kitty and never see her anymore..especially after loosing my mom nobody not even my relatives could fill the emptiness in my heart, heart that mostly died in that car crash with my parents but kitty on the other hand, she makes me feel loved like a mother loves her daughter.

Ve: together?.. that sounds interesting and where are we going exactly?
Kitty: we must buy your wedding dress today ve tomorrow is your wedding! you and your husband only think about eachother nothing else

I looked at Erik turns out he was already staring at me, smiling..he steals my breath while doing that. Why does this have to be fake why cant we really be happy with eachother..i don't understand Erik doesn't tell me anything.

Ve: ooh yes wedding dress, Erik are you coming with us?
Erik: i-
Kitty: NO NO NO have two of you never heard of traditions?! groom never sees the dress until the wedding day. you two will be the death of me
Erik: but mo-
Kitty and ve: NO BUT
kitty: thats my girl
Ve: like mother like daughter 😉
Erik: oh okay i see two of you combined against me, thats not fair but okay okay
Kitty: go change my love and i will be downstairs
Ve: i will be back in 10 minutes

I ran upstairs to get ready ofcourse not having idea what to wear.

Kitty: Erik honey she really is a dream girl but does she know about-
Erik: mom please.
Kitty: i know erik i know but i wont let you make her attached to you and than leave her, you made a promise my son..unfortunately..
Erik: i will tell her i promise
Kitty: hopefully it wont be too late..
Ve: hey guys i am back! what you talking about?
Erik: nothing just..just about tomorrow
Ve: oh..okay, kitty you ready?
Kitty: ofcourse!
Ve: Erik...😏
Erik: what. i know that look you want something.
Ve: i thought would let me drive your car?...
Erik: aint no way i will call tony and he will drive you
Ve: pleaseee...
Erik: no...stop looking at me like that..
Ve: just for once..😞
Erik:ughhh alright alright!
Ve: yesssss! kitty darling lets go i am driving;)
Erik: ve dont kill my mother.
Ve: never i am driving her not you
Kitty: i love her so much

We drove perfectly to the mall, i'm such a good driver.

Ve: hey kitty you okay?!
Kitty: ve my girl i love you so much but next time lets call tony alright?..
Kitty: hehe..
Ve: ugh lets just go into the mall.

We went into about 1000 shops, i am not lying i couldn't even walk anymore but kitty on the other hand.. she was full of energy and wanted me to change into every single dress to find that perfect one.

Kitty: lets try this one now darling
Ve: i come

Kitty: ohh its very beautiful what do you think ve?
Ve: i like it but i want something more different..

Kitty: ohh its very beautiful what do you think ve?Ve: i like it but i want something more different

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