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Ve: Erik.

—-Ve's pov—
My heart stopped beating for a second, all this time i thought i would never see him again, never hear his voice again but here he was smiling at me just like the first time we met.
You could see a smirk on his face, while his eyes were sparkling, shining like a blue ocean on a sunny day.

—-Erik's pov—-

I couldn't express my Emotions, this whole time before lyle helped me to decide to come here i was thinking "Erik maybe you should not, she will probably be so angry at you, maybe she has moved on..maybe she has already found somebody else" but her eyes, green like an emerald were saying something else, i could see love for me left in them, love that i didn't see in here eyes on that damn cursed day. I have made mistakes, we all have but actually admitting them and trying to solve this problems that bother you to this day will make you more relaxed, more free.
At first i couldn't say anything, especially after i heard Ve say my name. i felt like a fifteen years old boy when your crush calls you or something i don't know i might sound stupid but right now i don't care about that, you can call me stupid, you can curse at me but i have her again, thats all that matters.

Erik: do you want to go somewhere else?

Ve: yeah..mhm yeah lets go but i have my uniform on

Erik: don't worry about that darling..i will handle everyone who makes fun of you

——Ve's Pov—

It really was just like the beginning.

We went outside, but Erik decided to walk not drive. i didn't talk to be honest i didn't even know what to say, i only watched him when he wasn't looking but Neither Erik did say anything, he was quiet just like me but i could feel his stares when i was not looking at him..just like i did.

——— Eriks pov —-

I couldn't help myself from staring at her, God i missed her fluffy beautiful hair and skin that shines when the sun hits it..maybe this is even better..i mean starting everything again, maybe it is even better.
i decided to take her on a rooftop that i always went to when i was in Beverly hills, yeah fancy restaurants are good but places like this, with lots of memories are even better, don't you agree?

Ve: Erik i can't crawl up there are you kidding me?!

Erik: come on take my hand you will be just fine

Ve: but what if i fall

Erik: i would never let you get hurt..again.

——Ve's pov——

I took Eriks hand and we got on this rooftop that i have never heard about in my entire life even tho i have lived here my whole life, as we got to the last "floor" and looked over the night view of the city it was can't feel this, experience this in those cafes or restaurants.

Erik: are you cold ve?

Ve: no its okay really

Erik: here take this darling

He took off his sweater and put it on my shoulders..that damn sweater had his smell all over it.

Erik: what now ve..what comes next.

Ve: i don't know Erik, what do you want to come next

Erik: i wish you knew how sorry i am for everything that i have done to you..but i can't express it, i really can't

Ve: And i am sorry too Erik

Erik: sorry? for what?!

Ve: for not listening to you, for not believing in you, for leaving you without a proper explanation.

Erik: don't be silly had every right to.

Said Erik while sliding closer to me and our knees touched, i decided to take the first step and rest my head on his shoulder.

Ve: i want to start everything again Erik.

Erik: well then..hello beautiful my name is Erik, Erik Galen menendez and you are?..

Ve: oh i see mister, my name is Venus, Venus rose miller but everybody calls me ..Ve

Erik: what you think, the moon is beautiful isn't it

Ve: darling the moon has always been beautiful..

I said while putting my hands over his waist and finally hugging him tightly, as i wanted to all this time..

They say life is a here it is, the last chapter of my story.

" The phrase above doesn't literally mean "the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" in Japanese. It actually means "I love you". ... and the answer "the moon has always been beautiful" means " i have always loved you"...                                       "

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