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——— This part is Eriks pov ————-

*play the song from 0:00*

She left, love of my life left , I looked in her eyes and i couldn't see any love for me , Only hate..disgust, emptiness, disappointment..From the first second i saw ve in cheesecake factory i knew she was different, Not like any other girl and i fell for her deeply. I wanted to explain everything, even before the wedding about tracy and my past, my promise, promise that lost its meaning after i saw her. 3 years passed after tracy left me for another man and i thought i would never fall in love again yes i thought but even i made a big mistake, mistake that changed my life completely. After all those years waiting for tracy to come back i finally fell in love again and fell even harder, i thought she forgot about me and would never return at least thats what i hoped for but she appeared at the worst time, on my wedding day with venus. Gosh we were both so happy with our little family, Why does everything has to end so bad, Why can't i get lucky for once in my goddamn life..The only thing i want right now is to get ve back and somehow make her fall in love with me again, you know? start everything from the very beginning, meet eachother again, start our new story but now without any lies..any past lovers, any past promises..But how can i do that when she hates me and doesn't even want to see me again. Come on erik think of something dont let tracy fuck your life up again. I should talk to lyle, he's the only person she talked to maybe he knows something.

Erik: olivia! olivia hi

Olivia: hello erik i..

Erik: do you know where lyle is?

Olivia: i think he took ve home

Erik: yes i know that but where is he now

Olivia: i dont know i..oh here he is, he came back.

Lyle: olivia i told tony to take you home, please go my love and i will soon be there okay?

Olivia: okay..bye Erik

Erik: bye olivia..lyle please tell me how is she.

Lyle: How do you think she is Erik?! Why didn't you tell her you know how fucked up tracy is, she left  but would never allow you to be happy with someone else..why did you do this to her..

Erik: lyle you know i am in love with ve, i didn't care about that promise anymore and i thought tracy left for good so there was no need to talk about my past..

Lyle: well yeah as you can see you were wrong.

Erik: i dont know what to do, i cant loose her too brother, i love her too much.

Lyle: in that case fight for her brother, Ve deserves the best so do it! Be the best for her while you still can.

Erik: but she doesn't even want to see me anymore lyle, have you seen her eyes? full of hate and anger towards me.

Lyle: ofcourse she felt hate and anger Erik, You lied to her, A person from YOUR past crashed your wedding and told the truth, it was supposed to be the best day of her life and now what? i am sure shes still in her wedding dress bowling her eyes out while the feeling of being betrayed by the person she loved the most, eats her from inside. If i were you, i would do everything to make things better at least i would tell her the truth, the truth about how much i love her. Now go and fight for her or else i will beat you up Erik, You maybe my brother but Venus is my little sister i never had but always wanted.

After hearing lyles words i ran to the car, Started it and drove to our house, The only thing that mattered right now was Her.
As i got closes to the house my heart started beating faster and faster i thought it would explode. finally i calmed myself down and decided to go inside, i knocked but no answer, the door was locked. I remembered that i had a spare key in my wallet so i opened the door.

Erik: Ve?! Ve are you home?

There was no answer, i thought maybe shes a sleep so i went upstairs and saw a letter on a bed.

" I left for forever, don't be afraid i won't come back like she did, may you find your true love. you maybe hurt but don't worry you'll get over it.                                                                                "


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i felt how my heart dropped, She left..she really did. Think erik think...remember what lyle said, Fight while you still can...she's leaving and the only place she can go is beverly hills..I need to get to the airport, NOW!

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