Night talks

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Ve: there is no way i am sleeping with you in a same bed
Erik: i am not a weird psycho Ve i am not going to touch you, we are just going to sleep in a same bed. no touching ve!
Ve: i am sorry? do you think I will not be able to resist touching YOU?
Erik: i mean if i were you i wouldn't darling
Ve: just go to sleep Darling

Erik slowly took off his clothes, first his top and than his bottom..when he was unbuttoning his shirt i was so tempted to not look at him. I am not really into muscular guys but this one..god damn Erik is hot as fuck. But i couldn't, i couldn't let him know about my thoughts about him and his amazing body..

 But i couldn't, i couldn't let him know about my thoughts about him and his amazing body

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you know what i dont like him, not even a little bit, not even at all... WHO AM I EVEN LYING TO. Stop ve just go to sleep, it was a tiring day and i am still kinda drunk..

Erik: what are you doing?
Ve: going to sleep..?
Erik: with that dress?.
Ve: i am not going to sleep just with my bra beside you..
Erik: wait..take this
Ve: whats that
Erik: its my shirt, its better than that dress

Even tho i was trying to be mean to Erik because of how he acted towards me in front of his family it was so kind of him to offer me his shirt and it smelled just like erik

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Even tho i was trying to be mean to Erik because of how he acted towards me in front of his family it was so kind of him to offer me his shirt and it smelled just like erik..if i could compare his smell to something i would say "Sauvage" by dior.

Ve: thanks..
Erik: no need to ,lets go to bed

This room looked expensive, the bed , paintings, decorations, bathroom everything.

I have never laid in more comfortable bed before especially with a man like erik

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I have never laid in more comfortable bed before especially with a man like erik.He was already very sleepy but as i laid down i couldn't sleep anymore.Such a weird feeling..

Ve: hey Erik
Erik: hhhm
Ve: When are we getting married?
Erik: huh?
Ve: you are paying me to get married? for a month? what do you mean huh
Erik: i dont know ve maybe in 2 days or next week please i want to sleep
Erik: i will buy you anything you like mrs.menendez now let me sleep beautiful

What did he just call me?.

Ve: Erik...Erik..What did you just call me?..

I tried to wake him up but he was already asleep or just didn't want to answer me. Venus rose menendez...thats sounds pretty.. AND HE CALLED ME BEAUTIFUL, like imagine Erik menendez calling you wish it was you huh? hahahhah, okay sorry.
I turned thousand times but still couldn't fall asleep, i felt like throwing up so i decided to walk around a little bit without waking Erik or anyone else up, first i went into the bathroom, splashed water on my face i thought it helped at first but still i knew fresh air was the only thing that could help. I looked outside the window, it was raining.


I took eriks costume, put it on and decided to go outside.
At first it was cold, so cold that i almost went inside until i looked up to the sky and saw a moon. it was beautiful yesterday as Erik said, it really was but tonights sky was something else. Some people like Clear skies full of stars and big bright moon but i personally think that foggy skies with full moon are the absolute best.

I learned some Japanese last year in the summer and i remember one sentence about the moon it was something like

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I learned some Japanese last year in the summer and i remember one sentence about the moon it was something like..Tsuki ga ki..something, i forgot everything. I hope soon i will have much more free time to revise and learn more Japanese.As i was staring at the moon and thinking about Everything even the past and future i heard some footsteps, at first i thought it was just a random sound that i made up, than it got a little bit closer but it was so dark that i thought it was an animal but the sound got closer and closer..i got too scared.

Ve: Hello?.. Who is it?..

Suddenly a shadow appeared.


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