Into the waves-Part 2

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Welcome back to the chapter 14 of "Selfless".



"Demonic Voice"



Thanks to a friend of Tazuna's team 7 found themselves on a wooden boat being rowed along by a fisherman friend of Tazuna's.

The team and co were told to be quite as it was an illegal travel and it will be trouble

"This mist is so thick can't even see a thing" Quietly spoke Naruto as the group now stumbled upon a huge bridge.

"Wow what a big bridge" spoke Sakura in awe

"I can't take you any farther than this; I wish you good luck." The fisherman said as he perched before rowing back the way they came.

"It's alright you have to protect your families anyway thanks for the ride." Tazuna sighed in relief as they continued walking.

'If we get attacked again it will surely be a Jounin ranked ninja and not a Chunnin ranked one...' Kakashi thought "Guess I won't be reading for a while.

As group were walking there was something coming from the bushes.

"There" Naruto threw a Kunai right at the bush everyone tensed as he walked over slowly and revealed that it was just a white-coloured rabbit

Naruto walked over and saw a small white rabbit cowering in fear against a tree, the kunai just inches away.

"Naruto-Baka how dare you! that to that poor rabbit" Sakura held the rabbit hugging

"White fur? But that's impossible, it isn't winter" Kakashi thought while Naruto thought of the same thing

Kakashi's eyes went wide "substitution!".

Something was slicing through the air at frightening speed.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN, NOW!" he shouted as the copy ninja pushed both Sakura and Sasuke to the ground.

Naruto straightaway tackled Tazuna to the ground.

The weapon in question sailed over them, as it began to curve before embedding itself in a tree.

A tall man with bandages wrapped around the lower half of his face appeared on the hilt of the zanbatou, his back facing them. His forehead protector was off to the side of his head and he had no eyebrows. He wore two forearm warmers and he wore baggy pants with the same pattern, and black ninja sandals. He was shirtless, but had leather straps that could be used to hold his massive sword across his back.

"Zabuza Momochi, A-class missing-nin of Kirigakure. Former member of the Mist's Seven Swordsmen and Kirigakure no Kijin," Kakashi said glaring at the man. Unseen by the others, Zabuza grinned darkly.

"Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan Eye. I can see now why the Demon Brothers fail and what's this? I also see you've taken a genin team of pathetic little wanna-be ninjas Hah! Konoha that village sure went down the drain. Now hand over the old man, I have a mission to execute him," Zabuza said evilly in his gruff, yet gleeful voice.

"Sharingan?" Sasuke thought in surprise as he glared at his sensei for keeping such an important secret from him.

"Everyone protect Tazuna! I'll deal with Zabuza!" Kakashi ordered as he grabbed his forehead protector. Slowly, he pulled it off, revealing the Uchiha bloodline. "While I'm eager to end this fight as soon as possible, I must admit that I'm surprised how someone as powerful as you has fallen to serving a man like Gatō. Money must be a big factor huh!"

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