Sound Ninjas

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Welcome back to the chapter 44 of "Selfless".



"Demonic Voice"



Naruto laid hanging on a tree unconscious as a black fox appeared atop of a tree next to him.

It watched Naruto for a while and then dispersed into him destroying the seal that Orochimaru placed. As soon it did that Naruto woke right up and gasped for breath.

He then looked around "whe..where am I" realization struck him "Orochimaru..." his eyes then went wide in shock "my team!"

Naruto then got up and ran but then stopped as his head started to hurt. Red eyes flashed inside his mind as he then felt heavy.

"Damn it what's happening" Naruto grabbed his head and slowly walked off.

He needed to get back to his team as soon as possible.


Zaku came next to Dosu and smirked "Heh, I don't even know if she's worth the effort"

Kin then came walking in front of them with a smug look "Well then, allow me?"

Sakura looked at Kin and charged and threw several shurikens and then went through a set of hand seals. Kin dodged all them and looked at the girl only to see three Sakuras?

Kin raised her eyebrow at her.

"You think a technique like that is going to work?" Kin threw several senbons at Sakura. All three Sakura's burst into smoke with the one in the middl being replaced with a log.

Sensing her Kin turned to see three more clones all of them doing hand seals. Again Kin tossed more senbons hitting all of them again gaining the same result as before.

This time Kin blocked a punch that came from behind her by Sakura. Kin punched back making the pink haired girl falter back. Kin used this opportunity to knee Sakura winding her and then slapped the girl making her fall to the ground. Then she picked up Sakura by the hair hard making her cry in pain.

Kin whistled as she admired Sakura's hair "well you look at that its softer than mine" she then scowled "girls like you who take care of their hair than train makes me sick....fucking fan girl"

Zaku screamed "Kin! You take the little girl while I'll take the Uchiha" he then went to the shelter as he smirked cruelly.

Sakura watched helplessly as she realised how pathetic and weak she was. Events that led to this situation collected in her head "Sasuke-kun and Naruto both became strong while I only relied on them and now I can't do anything to help. Naruto please come"

She remembered how Naruto protected her from Aoi and how he fought Zabuza alone. She also remembered when Sasuke defeated those Kiri Shinobies during the wave. Now her team got separated with Naruto going AWOL

Sakura closed her eyes tears furiously drizzled out "I don't want to be left behind by them...I want to be standing next to them"

Kin pulled her hair up "hey pay attention your boyfriend will die before your eyes so don't blink"

Sakura's eyes widened "I can't let them kill Sasuke-kun!" She then with courage brought her kunai up, getting Kin's attention

"Seriously?" Kin had a disappointed look.

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