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Welcome back to the chapter 81 of "Selfless".



"Demonic Voice"



Hokage office

Tsunade sighed as she looked at the 4 people that were on a special mission. They were Shiranui Genma, Gekkō Hayate, Inuzuka Hana and Uzumaki Naruto. The first three were Tokubetsu Jounin while the final member was a Chunin. Their mission was to protect the famous actress Fujikaze Yukie.

She sighed again as she looked at Naruto's file. He looked handsome but under that pretty exterior was a mischievous person she hoped that won't cause a mess.

Outside the film set

Hayate and Hana were watching the Adventures of Princess Fūun. A movie that starred the person they were supposed to bodyguard, the famous actor Fujikaze Yukie.

Genma and Naruto already watched the movie so they were walking around outside the movie set where she was practicing.

Naruto and Genma were in a cart now that showed them around.

Naruto looked around in awe while Genma looked bored. The people sat next to them were listening to the tour guide who was driving.

"This set was first opened since the 2nd great ninja war. This is the place where famous actors do their acting" the guide spoke in her speaker to her guide who nodded.

Naruto look at Genma and was smiling "You know this is the set where they done the gladiator right" Naruto sounded really happy in which Genma just grunted lazily.

"This is also the place where they filmed the gladiator starring great actor Russell Crowe" Naruto smiled brightly which made Genma sigh and then just get out of the cart.

"H...hey wait!" Naruto went after him.

The two were now walking to Fujikaze Yukie's set as Genma desperately wanted to smoke.

"Naruto you got a lighter" the lazy looking man asked the blond Chunin who was looking around the film set clearly ignoring him.

Naruto looked around in awe and suddenly his eyes went wide as he pointed to his left.

"Hey check it out, its Matt Damon" Genma sweat dropped and looked.

"I'm pretty sure that's not Matt Damon, Naruto" the Uzumaki looked embarrassed and just looked ahead "well it is!"

Genma chuckled "well...Matt Damon just picked up a broom and started sweeping"

Naruto didn't believe the man as he clearly was in denial even though he saw the same thing "Yeah I know, maybe he's just researching a role or something" Genma sweat dropped "I...I don't think so"

Genma sighed as he now was at Yukie's place "there is the movie set. Naruto lets go"

"You go there, I'll catch up" Genma sighed again "alright see you later"

"Later" Naruto then went to look around as he decided to go to the film set where gladiator was filmed.

A few minutes later Naruto was lost. He was getting bored pretty fast. Fujikaze Yukie still didn't finish yet and met up with them.

Naruto decided to walk outside a bit and checkout the beautiful scenery when suddenly Naruto saw three big barbarian dressed men surrounding a girl who looked afraid.

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