No Regrets!

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Welcome back to the chapter 93 of "Selfless".



"Demonic Voice"



Naruto's apartment

Naruto sat on his living room couch in silence as he had his head down while he slouched.

His eyes were empty as he thought about what happened today in the Hokage's office. He gritted his teeth remembering what that woman called him.


How dare she call him that after everything he went through and to call him scum angered him.

Naruto clenched his fists. Haruno Sakuya he knew that woman as women like her he seen come and go when he worked for Ryoma.

They were the ones who sold themselves for money and fame. It disgusted him greatly and yet they call him scum! Him who worked so hard and never gave in to others but earned his place.

If that kind of woman was in the council then he knew what kind of future he will have. Even knowing this Naruto won't give in if they look down on him he will retaliate and if they don't like it tough!

Uzumaki Naruto changes for nobody and by god he won't bow!


The doorbell rang and by the looks of it rang for a while.

Sighing Naruto got up and went to open the door.

Opening it Naruto saw Kurenai.

"Kurenai-sensei" Naruto muttered, the Yuhi without hesitation barged him and walked inside.

Naruto blinked as he just looked at her but closed the door.

His friend and team 8's teacher stood there looking furious.

Naruto just sighed "Sensei I'm...."

"Don't Naruto just don't" Kurenai interjected as she tried to reign in her anger "do you know what you have done"

Naruto didn't answer. As he looked down as the woman carried on "you attacked a council member that is a great offence Naruto"

"I know that" the Uzumaki muttered

"THEN WHY DID YOU DO IT" Kurenai exploded.

Naruto's hair covered his expression as he gave noresponse"Answer me Naruto" Kurenai asked softly now as she looked at him.


"I ALREADY EXPLAINED MYSELF!" Naruto yelled shocking Kurenai.

"I won't explain myself again. That woman deserved what's coming to her, I don't care" Naruto clenched his fists as he looked down not wanting to look at her.

"Anyway I'm sorry that you had to get involved in those people's sick schemes" Kurenai softened as she walked and suddenly hugged him shocking the blond in the process.

"Naruto you think I didn't know such a thing was going to happen when we became friends" Naruto didn't answer as Kurenai grasped his hand and caressed it.

She then let go of the hug as she used her spare hand to grab his chin so that she can look at him.

"Naruto-kun please tell me what's wrong. What made you say those things" Kurenai looked worried when Naruto got out of her grasp and turned away from her.

Kurenai looked sad because of that.

Silence ensued when Naruto finally answered as he had his back turned.

"She called me a scum and then insulted me saying that I done a poor job raising myself. Something in me just snapped"

Kurenai bit her lips "Naruto"

"I have seen people like her and they sicken me. To make it worse they have the guts to insult me. Those damn sell-outs!" Naruto gritted his teeth as he closed his eyes.


The Uzumaki turned towards her and looked at her in the eye.

"Again I'm sorry you had to be involved." Naruto looked at the floor once he looked at Kurenai's soft expression.

Kurenai watched him struggle trying to control himself.

"Naruto-kun" she never saw him so vulnerable watching him like this showed her how tough he had in life. He really moved forward regardless of those issues which made her feel proud.

Naruto didn't want to look at her as he was in deep thought.

Suddenly Naruto felt two hands land on his shoulders making him look up. When he done that the Uzumaki suddenly felt something soft on his lips.

His eyes went wide.

Kurenai kissed him.

The kiss lasted for a few minutes and when they parted Kurenai smiled.


"Kurenai-sensei Naruto-kun" the red eyed Yuhi corrected as she spoke sensually.

Naruto just looked at her.

"Naruto I don't care about what people think a rumour is just a rumour. It will go away. What I'm worried about is you Naruto-kun" Kurenai

Naruto looked down "you will be in trouble Naruto and that worries me" Kurenai stroked his hair unconsciously as she looked at him.

"Regardless it was something I had to do. I have no regrets" Naruto muttered making Kurenai sigh. He really carried a huge burden and she wanted him to allow her to help him.

"What about your training Naruto" Naruto chuckled dryly "how can I train when things like this always happen"

Kurenai looked sad now as she knew what he meant. People always take the wrong way when all Naruto wants to do is live his life.

Suddenly she caressed his cheeks which to her felt soft and nice.

"I know Naruto-kun. I know. Let us hope tomorrow will be alright" Kurenai reassured

"What if it won't" Naruto said as he knew things wont be better.

"Then I want you to know that I'm always with you" Kurenai eyes had longing in them.

Naruto's eyes went wide.

Haruno House

Sakura wasn't at home when Haruno Sakuya stormed inside her home in anger.

"How dare that brat. HOW DARE HE!" Sakura's mother screamed as tears still fell out of her eyes.

She will make him pay. She will guarantee he will be punished severely regardless of his status.

She will make him pay.

Suddenly her eyes went wide and she then smirked evilly.

"Thats it...only that man can help me. Yes...the man that should have been the Sandaime Hokage" Sakuya smiled.

"Yes I need to see him right away"



And cut

Naruto and Kurenai kissed. Guess the rumour was true after all.

Till the next time stay happy and safe!!

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