Ask Her

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Welcome back to the chapter 60 of "Selfless".



"Demonic Voice"



Inside the hospital bed Naruto stared out the window of a sun filled Konoha with empty eyes. His mind was blank as the Uzumaki kept seeing Kin's body going to pieces engulf his mind. Gritting his teeth Naruto couldn't bare to vision the carnage he saw. Ever since then he couldn't remember and woke up here.

From what he could deduce from Kurenai who came to visit him regularly which brought everyone else minus Sasuke and Kakashi as well.

Kisara came way before and checked up on him regularly but he didn't even respond to her as Naruto was too stricken and cut her off.

It has been 4 days since the invasion ended, and the council acted by taking charge and see the damages caused. It also had been a day that marked the death and funeral of the Third Hokage which he missed out since he was unconscious during the time.

The Uzumaki couldn't get any sleep because ever since he closed his eyes Kin's death came crashing down on him and there was also the fact that both his arms were casted up. The doctor said it was a miracle his hands survived.

But Naruto couldn't remember how his hands became like this.

Looking down Naruto was in deep turmoil. Why....why did Kin do that. Why sacrifice herself for him a person she didn't even know it didn't make sense to the Uzumaki.

With all this going inside his head Naruto just sat on his bed and looked at the window.

Naruto's apartment complex (Kira's apartment)

Kisara was in the kitchen as she was cutting salad preparing lunch for Naruto. As she made the meal she was in deep thought.

Finishing everything Kisara packed the lunch and was about to leave when the doorbell rang.

Her eyes narrowed at the door as she was in no mood for visitors. When she opened the door she saw Kakashi who waved "Yo" Kisara scowled inwardly but put up a smile moving forward making Kakashi get out of the way she then closed the door to her apartment with Naruto's lunch in her hand.

"Sorry Kakashi but I have to do something" Kisara turned to face him and leave when Kakashi grabbed her hand "are you going to see Naruto" Kakashi was a perceptive individual so when he looked at the lunch box his friend was carrying he deduced correctly.

Kisara took her hand off his grasp "is that a problem" Kakashi just eye smiled "it's just a surprise to see some like you attending to his needs"

Kyuubi's eyes narrowed. There he goes again "who I'm with doesn't concern you" Kakashi's eyes narrowed a bit "he is my student" Kisara smirked sweetly "isn't that a nice excuse you got going" Kakashi now looked serious "what do you mean"
Kisara flicked her long crimson hair which made Kakashi look at it with awe as he felt entranced "isn't that sweet using Naruto to get to me." she giggled mockingly "should I be flattered that the great copy ninja is smitten with me?"

"You're not all that, so don't flatter yourself" Kisara laughed sweetly in Kakashi's ears when he tried to insult her "then why are you here." Kakashi was about to answer but Kisara interjected "don't answer me because I already know" Kakashi looked questionably at her making her carry on "you feel threatened Kakashi-Kun"

The man's eyes went wide as Kisara spoke "you feel threatened that you are losing me to what you consider a boy. The boy however is not just a boy but a boy who you and every male in this village consider to be of a low standard" Kisara said as she remembered that every time she and Naruto went out every male looked down in disgust at Naruto for being with her like he wasn't worthy. This man before her was like them and Mizuki.

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