Say you want to Live

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Welcome back to the chapter 82 of "Selfless".



"Demonic Voice"



Inside the ship

The ship pulled into docks a while ago as everyone waited for Yukie to wake up.

The group all sat in the table.

"Sandayuu-san mind explaining on what is going on" Naruto asked the man with his group who nodded.

The manager sighed "I'm sorry. Yukie is actually a real princess of the land of snow" everyone's eyes went wide.

"You're kidding" the director said in shock making the manager nod.

The ninjas couldn't believe it. Genma read about snow country they were the most technological advanced country in the world. It attracted the 5 main hidden villages as getting them to ally with them is a great boost.

"So why was she running away from her country" Hana blinked confused.

Everyone looked to agree when Sandayuu sighed as he looked sad "it is because she is a princess that's why"

"Mind explaining Sandayuu-san" Hayate spoke quietly the man nodded as he then told the tale when Yukie whose real name was Kazahana Koyuki. When she was a child, her paternal uncle Kazahana Dotō killed her father for his treasure, leaving Koyuki emotionally scarred for 10 years as she, him and Konoha ninjas back then ran away for safety. He even said he became her manager so that he can escort her back to her home country.

Genma nodded as that's what Kakashi said in his report

The director chuckled as he sat in the corner "this is great we can really make a great movie out of this." His assistant sighed.

Suddenly the door was opened roughly "I will not go back!" it was Yukie or Koyuki which was her real name.

Everyone looked at her now "I...I will not go back. Ever since that day, my tears dried up" she spat making Sandayuu go into tears.

Naruto watched her in which she looked back at him. Their eyes met.

Suddenly Sandayuu went to the floor before her and bowed "princess Koyuki assume your rightful place as our leader and confront Dotō"

He bowed now as his head went to the floor "please I will give you my life for you to do so. I beg you take your arms and lead your people"

Yukie just watched with cold expression "I don't think so" Sandayuu's eyes went wide as he looked up at her "bu...but what about your people"

Yukie shrugged "I could care less about them. Let's just leave this place"

"But what about Dotō" Sandayuu hopelessly asked which made Yukie angry "so Dotō will kill them all just give up. You are annoying me you maggot" Sandayuu shook and just bowed.

"Hey whatever your problems is don't take it out on him." Naruto spoke at the princess with narrowed eyes. She looked back at him "you don't know anything so shut up"

"I may not know. You're right but the man is at least doing something, as for you princess should learn from him" Naruto spat back getting her surprised. Yukie became angry once again and then walked off.


The group moved on as they were in 5 trucks traveling through a mountain tunnel. Outside the truck were giant ice walls that made up the interior of the cave.

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