chapter 10

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It has been months since Taeil lived as Doyoung's husband. Everything slowly gets better as he learns what kind of person Doyoung is, he kind of enjoyed it since Doyoung almost never fought with him anymore and he was a good listener. Every night they will talk about Taeil's application and Doyoung will tell him about his day.

Everything is perfect as Taeil unknowingly always looking forward every night to talk to Doyoung.

One night, Doyoung returned home later than usual. Their medicine stock just arrived and he needs to check it properly since they recently changed suppliers. He already informed Taeil about it. Doyoung asked Taeil to eat first before him and not wait for him.

Surprisingly when Doyoung entered his apartment at 10 p.m. Taeil was waiting for him with a big smile. Doyoung was so tired he pat Taeil back slowly and asked him why he isn't sleeping yet. It's still too early to sleep but he just didn't want to trouble Taeil.

Taeil asked Doyoung if had eaten, Doyoung he hadn't. Taeil said he will heat up the food for him, Doyoung nodded and walked straight to their room to take a towel and get rid of all the sticky sweat on him and spend the entire night talking to his pretty husband.

Doyoung walked pass the triplet room and his triplet was still talking and its almost 11 p.m. Doyoung take a peak of his triplet and they were busy with their book, Doyoung greeted them slowly, and Manse was the first one that run to him and followed by the other not long after that.

"What are you doing? I heard tomorrow is the start of school break," Doyoung said softly, kissing each of his children's forehead.

"Yes, we need to do this fast so we can play with Appa all week!" They exclaimed together.

Doyoung left them to do their work as he walked out to his room to put the wet towel away, he picked up his phone seeing so many notifications. One notification changes his reaction, he bit his lips.

Taeil was so excited talking about his day, Doyoung listened to him like a good husband he is. Manse suddenly walked to the kitchen holding a colour cube, climbed up to Doyoung lap naturally. Doyoung almost dropped his chopstick because he was shocked at tiny Manse climbing his lap.

"Manse, don't bother Appa," Taeil scolded him, picking Manse from Doyoung thigh. Helped him with the colour cube and Manse was excited. Doyoung furrowed his brow looking at Taeil, Taeil looked at him and Taeil bit his lower lips slowly. Ah... what did I do this time? He is angry.

Taeil walked inside their room after making sure his triplet had already fallen asleep, and Doyoung was waiting for him with his stiff face. Taeil climbed their bed and acting as if he didn't notice Doyoung's anger, he pulled the blanket and was ready to sleep.

"I have something to complain, you haven't heard me complaining for weeks right? I thought we were good now, Taeil. But apparently we are not?"

"What are you talking about? We are good." Taeil said, raised up from the bed and turned around to look at Doyoung.

"Why did you pick Manse from me when he clearly wanted to play with me? You don't want us to get close?"

"No, I didn't mean that, you were eating." Taeil defence himself. He was just trying to be considerate.

"Can you explain why you paid all this apartment bill and never asked me for money for our triplet?"

Taeil gets nervous, Doyoung already scolded him about this stuff months ago when he first moves into the apartment. He saw the bill and he just paid it without long thought, he lived there as well. He can pay it for Doyoung, Taeil apparently makes more money than Doyoung.

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